Hive Open Mic Week 74 - Originals by Rollie (@rollie29)

in Hive Open Mic4 years ago

Hey everyone,

Really enjoying the vibes and creativity on offer from all corners of the globe and glad to have finally set up an account after my good friend Steve @celticheartbeat recommended the site and open mic community a fair while ago. #openmic

I'm Rollie from Fife, Scotland but currently living somewhere considerably warmer. I've been playing and writing songs for longer than i care to remember, mostly just for fun and to pass the time but thought i'd share some now i have a half decent acoustic and a room full of reverb, as well as religious paraphernalia which gives me #proteccion against Iberian demons. Hope you enjoy the video.

The video contains a few more recent songs and a reworking of an old tune. All loosely related to protection:

The first was an old song written about a cat with cerebral palsy that i was looking after at the time, i was desperate to give protection and looking for any reason to stay in my home town. I was staying at a friends house around the corner from my parents house where i grew up and the relentless march of gentrification had meant the area was one i barely recognised so in this it's also about protecting your memories and dignity in the face of modernity.

The second song was written last week. On the surface a simple romance song, it is also a warning of the need to keep yourself protected and a reminder to not get too far ahead of yourself.

Finally the third song focuses on protecting yourself from negativity and moving forward the best you can; whether it be criticism from others or your own self doubt. Fair play to those who dare to dream and don't give up.

Make art,


Hello @rollie29

First of all welcome to Hive platform and to Hive Open Mic community. And thanks to @celticheartbeat for bringing you to hive :) 👏 How great!!!

Ok, the video somehow doesn't show in the post, just the link, so if for the next time celticheartbeat can help you to publish the video directly in your post in the Open Mic community, it would be great.

In the beginning of the video we should introduce it with the words Hive Open Mic, then the current week, and your hive username :)
Those are the technical stuff :D

Music stuff: Interesting songs bringing very good feeling to music. I especially liked the second song with the driving rhythm! You definitely know how to write/play good songs! 👌

Once again, welcome. I wish you a lot of nice moments here, lot of success and joy!

Well this was a nice surprize to see this morning when I woke up :)

For me the video does appear in the post maybe it was some threespeak error before that caused it not to show but it shows now on my end.

Songs all sound good , might be worth writing out the lyrics in the next one but with 3 songs that would be kind of time consuming.

Yeah like @mipiano mentioned just say the name of the week your posting for at the start of the video and your good to go.

Sounding really good tho , 3 songs for your first post is brave, nicely done!

Are you in DADGAD tuning?

@cabelindsay I figured I should tag you in this one.

This musician is a good friend of mine, this is his first post. He forgot to do the intro this time but im sure he will add it next time.

If you find the time it would be good to read your feedback on these songs.