Hive Open Mic Week 234 – I’m Still Remembering | Cover by @Rosana6

in Hive Open Mic16 days ago

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Greetings, dear family of the Hive Open Mic community! As always, what a joy to participate in this event in its 234th week. Each week we get to see so many musicians expressing their love for the art and demonstrating their talents. The theme for this addition is Autumn Feelings, apropos of the prompt arrival of this season of the year in northern hemisphere countries.

Autumn is a time of transformation and renewal, in which the old leaves of vegetation fall and give way to a new growth, a shining restart, however this happens not only in nature, we humans should also take advantage of releasing those heavy burdens that disconcert us and hinder our walk and create a space for rejuvenated feelings and positive thoughts.

Within the framework of this theme I'm Still Remembering by the Irish alternative rock band The Cranberries, from the album To the Faithfull Departed, released in 1996. I added the lyrics in Spanish to the video so that Spanish speakers can also appreciate the message. I hope you like the presentation.

¡Saludos, querida familia de la comunidad Hive Open Mic! Como siempre, qué alegría participar en este evento en su semana 234. Cada semana podemos ver a tantos músicos expresando su amor por el arte y demostrando sus talentos. La temática en esta adición es Sentimientos Otoñales, a propósito de la pronta llegada de esta estación del año en países de hemisferio norte.

La época de otoño es un tiempo de transformación y renovación, en el cual las hojas viejas de la vegetación caen y dan paso a un nuevo crecimiento, un reluciente reinicio, sin embargo esto ocurre no solo en la naturaleza, también nosotros los seres humanos debemos aprovechar de soltar esas cargas pesadas que nos desconciertan y dificultan nuestro caminar y crear un espacio para rejuvenecidos sentimientos y pensamientos positivos.

En el marco de esta temática les raigo la canción I’m Still Remembering de la banda de rock alternativo irlandesa The Cranberries, perteneciente al álbum To the Faithfull Departed, lanzado en 1996. Agregué la letra en español en el video para que los hispanohablantes también puedan apreciar el mensaje. Espero que la presentación sea de su agrado.

The video was recorded with my Redmi Note 10 5G and edited with Movavi.

Logo on cover is property of the Hive Open Mic Community.

English Translation by Deepl

Copyright-free Background Videos:




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I so much love the background of this video
Your chords sink deep into me ears and fill me with feelings of joy. This is lovely dear

Thanks so much my friend. I'm glad you liked this cover song.
Blessings. Have a great week.

Cómo de costumbre nos traes un trabajo impecable mi estimada amiga @rosana6

Gracias querido Karlex! Me alegra que te haya gustado este cover. Bendiciones infinitas!

Es que no me dejas de sorprender con tus magnificas entradas

For some reason I feel that memories and nostalgia are feelings that really represent autumn. This music carries that sound, both the original version and this unplugged beauty you have given us today. Thank you so much Rosana for doing these works with your heart, you transmit a vibe that brings life to the community. I hug you 😘

Por alguna razón siento que los recuerdos y la nostalgia son sentimientos que realmente representan al otoño. Esta música lleva ese sonido, tanto la versión original como esta belleza unplugged que nos has regalado hoy. Muchas gracias Rosana por hacer estos trabajos con el corazón, transmites una vibra que da vida a la comunidad. Te abrazo 😘

También me sucede que el otoño me parece una época nostalgica, al menos la idea de otoño que vemos en los países donde se da esa estación, de los que no hay duda es del simbolismo de renovación que trae consigo.
Gracias por pasar y apreciar.

I also find autumn to be a nostalgic season, at least the idea of autumn that we see in the countries where this season occurs, of which there is no doubt is the symbolism of renewal that it brings with it.
Thanks for stopping by and appreciating.


This song moved me and I think it goes perfectly with the theme chosen for this week, as you rightly point out, autumn is a time of renewal. I really liked that you have accompanied your video with those beautiful autumn landscapes, as always doing an excellent job.

Yes, autumn is related to renewal, and it has also a melancholic component.
I'm glad you liked the song I chose for this week.
Thanks for passing by.

Es una maravilla presentación amiga Rosana, me encantan tus videos ❤️ Gracias por compartir con nosotros.. Felicidades por tu hermosa presentación 💗🫂

Gracias a ti amiga, por tomarte el tiempo y la amabilidad de pasar por aquí a ver y apreciar.

You're really good in what you do I love your presentation it was nice hearing you thanks for sharing with us 🫂

Thanks so much. I'm glad you liked it.

wow,that's amazing sis,im proud of voice you,this is very deep😌😇

Many thanks my friend. I really appreciate your comment and support.