hive open mic week #241-betapa hatiku-putri siagian(cover)by samuelstifen

in Hive Open Mic4 months ago

Hello everyone, #openmic this is @samuelstifen and welcome back to my humble channel. As long as I've been participating, I've been happy and proud to be a part of this event. I've learned a lot about music and family here, and I'm glad to be part of this community. Hopefully my performance can leave a beautiful impression on those watching.

Hive Open Mic week 241 is themed "Life in Sweet." This theme is great and gives us a new perspective on how life is sweet.

Life is truly sweet if we live it with gratitude for the small things. But we always force life to be what we think it should be and often forget the little things in our lives.

If we feel that life is sweet, it doesn't mean life is without challenges or problems. On the contrary, through every difficulty, we learn to appreciate the happy moments that come. We learn to find happiness in simple things, like spending time with loved ones, enjoying hobbies, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.

It's about finding and appreciating every beautiful moment that life offers, with an open heart and full of gratitude that God has given us.

This week 241, I'm performing a spiritual song titled "Betapa Hatiku"(how my heart)by Indonesian spiritual singer Putri Siagian.


This song tells listeners to be grateful for every life that God has given us, from the small things to the big things, and invites listeners to dwell in God, that faithfulness and happiness in life are only in Him.

In my opinion, life won't be sweet and happy if we don't give our lives into His hands. Because God is almighty and knows what we hope for in our lives right now.

That's probably all I can offer for this theme and message of the song. My performance may be very simple, but I'm very happy to give this performance. Hopefully you all enjoy it. Thank you to the Open Mic team for participating in this event. Hopefully this event will run smoothly and successfully. THANK YOU.


Betapa hatiku berterima kasih Yesus
Kau mengasihiku kau memilikiku
Hanya ini Tuhan persembahanku
Segenap hidupku jiwa dan ragaku
Sbab tak kumiliki harta kekayaan
Yang cukup berarti tuk ku persembahkan
Hanya ini Tuhan permohonanku
Terimalah Tuhan persembahanku
Pakailah hidupku sebagai alatmu
Seumur hidupku

Betapa hatiku berterima kasih Yesus
Kau mengasihiku kau memilikiku
Hanya ini Tuhan persembahanku
Segenap hidupku jiwa dan ragaku
Sbab tak kumiliki harta kekayaan
Yang cukup berarti tuk ku persembahkan
Hanya ini Tuhan permohonanku
Terimalah Tuhan persembahanku
Pakailah hidupku sebagai alatmu
Seumur hidupku


How grateful my heart is, Jesus
You love me, You own me
This is my offering, Lord
My whole life, my soul and my body
For I have no wealth
That is worthy enough to offer
This is my only request, Lord
Accept my offering, Lord
Use my life as your instrument
For my whole life

How grateful my heart is, Jesus
You love me, You own me
This is my offering, Lord
My whole life, my soul and my body
For I have no wealth
That is worthy enough to offer
This is my only request, Lord
Accept my offering, Lord
Use my life as your instrument
For my whole life


I knew this week would be full of inspiring songs and yours has been, your way of singing is unique and the most important thing for me is that it touches the soul because you know how to interpret very well. Excellent

thankyou very much sister🤗😇

I totally agree, we should live life with gratitude, that's the key to happiness.

This song you're presenting is absolutely beautiful. I love the lyrics very much.


Awesome music presentation and theme interpretation.

Finding and appreciating moments are indeed key to life sweetness.

You have done well 👏

thankyou so much brother🙏🏻🤗

Of course it has been a beautiful impression my friend, especially because your sound this week is very sweet, and that graces the musical theme that we have proposed for the 241st edition. There is a moment in the video where you immerse yourself so much in the music that it is impossible not to connect with you... When you can edit the post you could add the source of Putri Siagian's photograph, so that the written part of your post is also an example to follow 😉 Thanks for sharing great work and making the community great with your charisma, bravo!!!!! 👏👏👏


That's right friend, Only Jesus is the one who brings sweet peace to our lives and gives us blessings even sweeter than honey!

It's true my friend we should be grateful with the little things, this song has a beautiful message.
Thank you for bringing this song and making a beautiful interpretation that touches the heart. I congratulate you.
It is nice when we thank God for everything, even for the difficulties and learn the lessons.


thank you so much sister,thanks for support,glad your day