Open your eyes and look within
Tell me are you satisfied now ,with the life you're living?
Excelente tu elección de la canción, amigo @celticheartbeat, y excelente interpretación. Me gusta su voz, el sentimiento con el que canta y su forma de tocar la guitarra. Muchas gracias por compartir. Saludos desde Venezuela. Mil bendiciones y éxito en todo.
Excellent your choice of song, my friend @celticheartbeat, and excellent interpretation. I like his voice, the feeling with which he sings and his way of playing the guitar. Thank you very much for sharing. Greetings from Venezuela. A thousand blessings and success in everything.
Thank you so much for these very kind and encouraging words. It always makes me feel humble to read such thoughtful feedback.
Muchas gracias por estas palabras tan amables y alentadoras. Siempre me hace sentir humilde leer comentarios tan reflexivos.