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RE: 🎵 Hive Open Mic 121 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

Hello community, in this week 121, our Spotlight Artist @osmely proposed that we explore the theme of family love musically. It is something very beautiful and has many nuances. Because there is the consanguineous family, to which we are genetically related, with whom we share customs, language, culture... There is that other family to which we are not linked by blood ties because with whom we feel brotherhood because we have affinity in various aspects ... And when we look up, when we pray the Lord's Prayer and by saying "our" we recognize that ... your Dad is my Dad and, therefore, we are all brothers... the concept of family opens up to embrace the entire humanity.


The story behind of your song is very nice. Youre voice are very good also. Thank you for sharing to us.

Nos encanta su entusiasmo 😍😍