in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hello Hive Open Mic Community, welcome to week #172 of our weekly concert here on the blockchain....I trust we all are doing okay 😉, for this week I'd be covering a classic by American vocal harmony group Boyz II Men called "A song for mama" in line with this week's theme "Family". This week's theme is a really crucial one as it's part of our existence. We all came from a family, Family simply means a group of people who are closely related (by blood, marriage or adoption). Family is who you can call when you're in need, when you're in unfavorable situations, and they'd be there for you always. Family knows your weaknesses and don't judge you for it, instead they urge you to be better, correct you, support you. Family are your biggest fans, they're always there to cheer you on....Family is everything!

What's a family without a mother? Personally I think mothers are the bedrocks of the home,I don't mean to discredit father's, Mother's make a home....they are loving, kind, patient and know how to make something out of nothing (A good woman). Mothers take the pain of carrying a child in them for nine months, the pain of labour, breastfeeding the child e.t.c. They sacrifice a lot just to keep things going, mothers are the real superheroes. A song for mama by Boyz II Men simply is an expression of gratitude to mothers for being amazing, loving, caring and compassionate. The song eulogises mothers for always being around, showing us right from wrong and also providing strength. Fathers are awesome as well, working their arse out just to provide for the home (good fathers)...Fathers create a home, it's really not easy (shout-out to the good dad's out there). This evergreen song was released in the year 1997 and is still an amazing record to listen to till date, I do hope you all enjoy 🎧 my cover of this classic...enjoy the rest of your week 🥂.




Hola comunidad de micrófono abierto de Hive, bienvenidos a la semana n.º 172 de nuestro concierto semanal aquí en la cadena de bloques... Confío en que todos estemos bien 😉, esta semana haré una versión de un clásico del grupo estadounidense de armonía vocal Boyz II Men. llamado "Una canción para mamá" en línea con el tema de esta semana "Familia". El tema de esta semana es realmente crucial ya que es parte de nuestra existencia. Todos venimos de una familia. Familia simplemente significa un grupo de personas que están estrechamente relacionadas (por sangre, matrimonio o adopción). La familia es a quien puedes llamar cuando lo necesites, cuando te encuentres en situaciones desfavorables, y estarán ahí para ti siempre. La familia conoce tus debilidades y no te juzga por ello, sino que te insta a ser mejor, te corrige, te apoya. La familia son tus mayores admiradores, siempre están ahí para animarte... ¡La familia lo es todo!

¿Qué es una familia sin una madre? Personalmente creo que las madres son los cimientos del hogar, no quiero desacreditar a los padres, las madres hacen un hogar... son amorosas, amables, pacientes y saben cómo hacer algo de la nada (una buena mujer). Las madres soportan el dolor de llevar un niño en ellas durante nueve meses, el dolor del parto, amamantar al niño, etc. Se sacrifican mucho para que las cosas sigan funcionando, las madres son las verdaderas superheroínas. Una canción para mamá de Boyz II Men simplemente es una expresión de gratitud a las madres por ser increíbles, cariñosas, cariñosas y compasivas. La canción elogia a las madres por estar siempre cerca, mostrándonos lo correcto y lo incorrecto y también brindando fortaleza. Los padres también son geniales, se esfuerzan al máximo solo para mantener el hogar (buenos padres)... Los padres crean un hogar, realmente no es fácil (agradecimiento a los buenos padres). Esta canción de hoja perenne fue lanzada en el año 1997 y sigue siendo un disco increíble para escuchar hasta la fecha, espero que todos disfruten 🎧 mi versión de este clásico... disfruten el resto de su semana 🥂.



▶️ 3Speak


Fine guy with a fine voice 😊.. I remember this song now, na the chorus make me remember am.

This is an amazing entry
I love your shades abi na glasses 🤓
I'll love to use it on my next post o 😄

Aww my number one fan're always mostly the first person to comment on my covers, thank you so much hon. If you're in Lagos I could give it to you, thanks for steady supporting..means a lot to me🤗.

Hahaha 🤣

I'm not in Lagos o. I was kidding Sha

You're always welcome 🤗

Wow, smooth sexy vocals there, amazing vocal work man! If you get a chance try singing End Of The Road by Boyz II Men , I love that song :).

Wow, thank you so much man...I'm glad you think highly of this, really grateful you came through to check me out. End of the road, that's a really big song you know(it's doable 😉)...I'd be sure to tag you when I cover it. Blessings 🙏.

Bro, you look so cool in this video, you are a Rock Star. This song is beautiful, few remember the music of this band that for me is synonymous of the 90's sound. Thanks for bringing Boyz II Men to the Hive Open Mic and with such an excellent vocal level. I send you a hug my friend!...

Thank you so much brother...I appreciate your kind words always, Blessings 🙏.

A lot of flow! This song had not heard it for a while but it is excellent to your voice, you have very good handling of it. Ufff those melizmas sound incredible, it's a beautiful interpretation towards your mom.

Thank you so much man, glad you enjoyed happy you came to visit 🤍.