I have chosen this song because it's one I really connect with as a Christian, not much words to say but it's really deep and spirit-filled. The song is more like a chant that acknowledges Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life. There's no other God but Him 🙌. And I'm sure this song goes perfectly with the theme of this week. This theme is perfect for a time like this, few days from now we would be celebrating the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ who came to this world to redeem us from sin and destruction. There's no one like Him, He reigns supreme in heaven and on earth. I recorded this song during worship this morning, the song just came to mind and I thought why not. To be honest, I found it a bit hard to select a song that goes in line with the theme till this song just popped up in my head and I'm really grateful to God for giving me a song as powerful as this. I'm grateful to God for His mercies throughout the year, how He came through for me, took care of me when I had nothing. He rescued me and for this I'm forever grateful, I do hope you all could join me and worship. It's a really easy song to sing, please feel free to sing along. Have a great weekend and Happy Holidays everyone 🎁.
Hola comunidad de micrófono abierto de Hive, bienvenidos a la semana #193 de nuestro concierto semanal... Confío en que todos estemos bien, saludos a todos 🎄. Esta es una temporada para mostrar amor, cuidar a los necesitados y no olvidar el motivo de esta temporada "Jesucristo". Estoy muy emocionada de compartir mi entrada como siempre 😊. De acuerdo con el tema de esta semana, "Yeshua", seleccionado por el reciente artista destacado @chidistickz, interpretaría una canción de adoración del cantautor de gospel nigeriano "Tim Godfrey" llamada Yeshua. Yeshua es una palabra hebrea que significa rescatar, salvar o liberar. Yeshua es una adoración profunda al único Dios verdadero como Jesucristo también es llamado Yeshua.
Elegí esta canción porque es una con la que realmente me conecto como cristiano, no hay muchas palabras para decir pero es realmente profunda y llena del espíritu. La canción es más bien un canto que reconoce a Jesucristo como el camino, la verdad y la vida. No hay otro Dios más que Él 🙌. Y estoy seguro de que esta canción va perfectamente con el tema de esta semana. Este tema es perfecto para un momento como este, dentro de unos días estaríamos celebrando el nacimiento de nuestro salvador Jesucristo quien vino a este mundo a redimirnos del pecado y la destrucción. No hay nadie como Él, Él reina supremo en el cielo y en la tierra. Grabé esta canción durante el culto de esta mañana, me vino a la mente la canción y pensé por qué no. Para ser honesto, me resultó un poco difícil seleccionar una canción que estuviera en línea con el tema hasta que esta canción apareció en mi cabeza y estoy realmente agradecido con Dios por darme una canción tan poderosa como esta. Estoy agradecido a Dios por sus misericordias durante todo el año, por cómo me ayudó, por cómo me cuidó cuando no tenía nada. Él me rescató y por esto estaré eternamente agradecido. Espero que todos puedan unirse a mí y adorar. Es una canción realmente fácil de cantar, siéntete libre de cantarla. Que tengáis un buen fin de semana y felices fiestas a todos 🎁.
Hello Hive open mic community, welcome to week #193 of our weekly concert...I trust we all are doing okay, seasons greetings everyone 🎄. This is a season to show love, care for those in need and not to forget the reason for this season "Jesus Christ". I'm really excited to share my entry as always 😊. In line with this week's theme "Yeshua" as selected by recent spotlight artiste @chidistickz, I'd be performing a worship song by Nigerian Gospel singer-songwriter "Tim Godfrey" called Yeshua. Yeshua is a Hebrew word meaning to rescue, save or to deliver. Yeshua is a deep worship of the one true God as Jesus Christ is also called Yeshua.▶️ 3Speak
I love this song, Tim Godfrey is really making amazing songs, I will definitely download it,
Your voice is amazing as usual 🎶🎵
Thank you bro, I appreciate it much 🙏...Merry Christmas 🎄
Dear brother, I sum it all up in a sincere 'thank you'. And thank the Lord for leading me here today, this song really ministered to my spirit and reminded me who my Lord is. Praise His holy name. Today I was able to worship Yeshua together with you, thank the Lord. It's been a while since I've been online here, and today when I came back this was the first thing I came across and it has edified me. A hug, God bless you even more and continue to add grace in every song. All glory to him.
Thank you very much🤍, I'm grateful and glad that you connected and worshipped with me. God bless you dear friend 🙏....Have yourself a Merry Christmas 🎄🎁.
Wonderful entry my bro..... Glory to Jesus
Glory to Jesus, thanks for always bro....Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Hey brother, I really liked your participation.... You sing very nice, man you did an excellent job with this theme song God bless you ♥ A big hug for you!
Thank you man, I appreciate it much 🙏.... Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Your voice is absolutely amazing, your smile is as sweet as your voice.
Aww thank you so much dearie, I appreciate your kind words and compliment 😊. Merry Christmas 🎄
Nice one bro. Your voice is absolutely amazing
I appreciate it much bro... Blessings 🙏