Hello wonderful people. Greetings to all creators of music content, lovers of good music and all the amazing people of the Hive Open Mic community. I hope you're all doing well. This is Stefanovah here once again for hive open mic.... It's week 190 and for this week I was selected to be the spotlight artist and have the honour of choosing the week's theme. I chose Grace, and it's a word that has many uses and meanings based on context. For me it is the ability or enablement to do something or keep going against all odds.

I'm really glad to be here also presenting this week, I thought I had missed the week which I selected a theme for while in camp. Yeah I was in a training camp to commence my one year national service mandatory for graduates in my country. I barely was able to do much with my phone as daily routine was strictly regimented by the military instructors.... Anyway, grace kept me going in there as I'm not a very physical person or used to stress but somehow I thrived and even did some musical performance, becoming a celebrity of sorts in there 😅. I'm glad to be back right on time and this week my entry is an original song, one that will be out in the first quarter of 2024.
So I actually got the inspiration for the song in December 2019 and forgot about it until this year 2023 in which I've added a thing or two. It's an afrobeat song and I had to make slight adjustments in some of the lyrics, changing from Nigerian Pidgin to English and the part I couldn't change I sang just once at the end.... I had fun as always making this video and entry, I really hope y'all also enjoy watching it.
Lord you are good, you are kind... you have lifted me
For long in sin, I lived my life... but you still loved me
So now to you, I give my life... I surrender me
Let all my ways, give you praise... let my worship please
Your love always got me, it covers me
Your grace never lets me go
Oh lord you're my all, you're my everything
I just want to let them know
If it wasn't for your grace, for your grace
Lord where would I be
You help me run my race, take shame out of my face
So to you I will sing
Your love always got me, it covers me
Your grace never lets me go
Oh..Oh..Oh.. x3
Oh your love!
Never lets me go, never lets me go
It's my lifeline
Your love is the strongest force in this world...
Takes me from the bottom and puts me on top...
Grace the difference and God is the source (sauce)... Everywhere Stew cause Oluwa is involved...
This love...
I'm gonna tell everyone in the world of your love..
This love ❤️
Hola gente maravillosa. Saludos a todos los creadores de contenido musical, amantes de la buena música y toda la increíble gente de la comunidad Hive Open Mic. Espero que estéis todos bien. Soy Stefanovah una vez más para el micrófono abierto de Hive... Es la semana 190 y para esta semana fui seleccionada para ser la artista destacada y tener el honor de elegir el tema de la semana. Elegí Grace, y es una palabra que tiene muchos usos y significados según el contexto. Para mí es la capacidad o habilitación de hacer algo o seguir adelante contra viento y marea.
Estoy muy contento de estar aquí también presentando esta semana, pensé que me había perdido la semana en la que seleccioné un tema mientras estaba en el campamento. Sí, estaba en un campo de entrenamiento para comenzar mi servicio nacional de un año, obligatorio para los graduados en mi país. Apenas podía hacer mucho con mi teléfono ya que la rutina diaria estaba estrictamente reglamentada por los instructores militares... De todos modos, Grace me mantuvo allí porque no soy una persona muy física ni estoy acostumbrada al estrés, pero de alguna manera prosperé y Incluso hizo alguna actuación musical, convirtiéndose en una especie de celebridad allí 😅. Me alegra haber regresado justo a tiempo y esta semana mi entrada es una canción original, que saldrá en el primer trimestre de 2024.
De hecho, me inspiré para la canción en diciembre de 2019 y la olvidé hasta este año 2023, en el que agregué un par de cosas. Es una canción afrobeat y tuve que hacer pequeños ajustes en algunas letras, cambiando del Pidgin nigeriano al inglés y la parte que no pude cambiar la canté solo una vez al final.... Me divertí como siempre haciendo este video. y entrada, realmente espero que ustedes también disfruten viéndolo.
Señor eres bueno, eres bondadoso... me has levantado
Durante mucho tiempo en pecado, viví mi vida... pero aún me amabas
Así que ahora a ti te entrego mi vida... me entrego
Que todos mis caminos te alaben... que mi adoración te agrade
Tu amor siempre me atrapó, me cubre
Tu gracia nunca me deja ir
Oh señor, eres mi todo, eres mi todo.
solo quiero hacerles saber
Si no fuera por tu gracia, por tu gracia
Señor donde estaría yo
Me ayudas a correr mi carrera, quita la vergüenza de mi cara
Entonces a ti te cantaré
Tu amor siempre me atrapó, me cubre
Tu gracia nunca me deja ir
Oh...Oh...Oh... x3
¡Ay tu amor!
Nunca me deja ir, nunca me deja ir
es mi salvavidas
Tu amor es la fuerza más fuerte en este mundo...
Me toma desde abajo y me pone arriba...
Gracia la diferencia y Dios es la fuente (salsa)...
En todas partes Estofado porque Oluwa está involucrado...
Este amor...
Le diré a todos en el mundo tu amor...
Este amor ❤️
Well that's all folks, it was my honour giving this theme and I really hope y'all enjoyed my entry 🤲🏽🥲. Until next time... I love you
▶️ 3Speak
Bro congratulations for being this week's host, you arrived just in time hehe 👍 I hope you do well in this one year journey, I had no idea you had to compulsorily comply with that service, but I hope everything goes well Bro!!!!
Your song is very cool and when you record it please share it with us to listen to it with instruments and production in general. I congratulate you for the lyrics, it represents perfectly your theme, I send you a big hug bro 🙌😀💛..... You Fuc&%$ Rockkk!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯
Thanks man. As for the national service it's not enforced but most employers require the certificate of national service before they consider giving you a job.... and you might not be eligible for certain political appointments without it.
Thanks for your kind words about the song, I really hope to be able to produce it soon.... So many things have kept me from doing so before but I have a feeling the time is now
Congratulations on your a cappella performance! Your voice is incredibly powerful and expressive. I loved the way you interpreted the lyrics, with so much emotion and feeling. Without a doubt, you have a natural talent for singing. Thank you for choosing this wonderful theme of the week. Congratulations on being the featured artist of the week.
Thank you very much my friend, it's such an encouragement seeing these words.... I will do more
Hola amigo, gracias por colocar está temática para esta semana. Primeramente quiero felicitarte por ser el artista destacado, tu canción es hermosa, el mensaje es verdadero. el amor de Dios cubre multitud de pecados. ❤️🙌 Tu interpretación estuvo fantástica. Me imagino esa canción cantada con una multitud de personas y niños en los coros. Acompañado de un tremendo video clip dónde se grafiquen a las personas tomadas de las manos haciendo una cadena. Cantando juntos a una sola voz. Wow mira todo lo que dibujo mi mente al escuchar esa canción. Dios te bendiga siempre. 🙏 Espero que todo marche bien en el campamento militar.
Hello friend, thank you for posting this theme for this week. First of all I want to congratulate you for being the featured artist, your song is beautiful, the message is true. the love of God covers a multitude of sins. ❤️🙌 Your performance was fantastic. I can imagine that song sung with a crowd of people and children in the choirs. Accompanied by a tremendous video clip where people are pictured holding hands making a chain. Singing together in one voice. Wow look what my mind drew when I heard that song. God bless you always. 🙏 I hope everything is going well at boot camp.
Thank you so much, I believe God is speaking through your mind.... I'll try to bring the picture to reality God willing
Wow. The theme you chosen is a great theme. I really love it. You sang very as well with a nice voice. What a Great talent.. have a wonderful weekend bro.
Thank you sir
Wow, I never knew you were this amazing
Congratulations bro, this is awesome 👍
You did performed so well ❤️🩹
Thank you so much bro
Amazing original bro....enjoyed this performance, congratulations once again 👏
Thanks my man... I appreciate
Beautiful rendition you did well.
Thank you my friend
Congratulations on being the spotlight artist for Hive Open Mic Week 190, Stefanovah! 🎉 Choosing the theme "Grace" is a beautiful and meaningful decision. Your personal connection to grace during your training camp is inspiring, and it's fantastic to hear about your musical performance there. Looking forward to the release of your original afrobeat song in 2024! 🎶🌟
Thank you bro... You'll get to hear the song soon, by the grace of God
Congrats bro! I am almost rounding up my service myself and I know what it feels like to be in NYSC orientation camp. It's a good thing your were able to drop your post even with all of the stress that comes alone with camp wahala.
Your entry was simply powerful. It's nothing new though since are great musician. I am assured that your impact must have been felt in the camp musically.
Thank you Corper wee, I pray to experience God's grace the rest of the service year
Thank you so much for your good wishes
Thank you for making it and blessing us with your song, lyrics and wonderful voice.
Thanks for engaging my post.... Blessings!
wow its good to see yu post even when you are in camp, Are you able to access system in nysc camp or just phone?
Felicidades hermano, no todos cantan tan afinados acapella, suena super bien, un abrazo y bendiciones