Hive Open Mic 124, MoonShine - Velvet Revolver - SLITHER (FULL SONG COVER)

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago

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Hive Open Mic 124! Here we are! MOONSHINE!

What a great theme! Moonshine! I loved the artwork too! This gives me old school rock vibes! So, for that reason I have chosen to play 'Slither' by Velvet Revolver!

Some of you might know, but Velvet Revolver were a super group formed of members from Guns N Roses and Stone Temple Pilots. Firstly, RIP to the vocalist Scott Weiland how passed away several years ago now. Duff Mckagan is on Bass and the legend Slash on lead guitar!

I loved this self titled album from Velvet Revolver. It gave me a feel of what a follow up Guns N Roses album could have sounded like after use your illusion 2. However, VR formed about 10+ years after GNR disbanded. Slash was doing other projects such as Slashs SnakePit and Duff was also doing other projects such as loaded.

This week - I deceided to go all in! I played through the whole song! Usually I am just playing the guitar solo... and don't worry, there is a HUGE solo in this song!!!
Forward to about 2:50 if you cant wait!
I use wah just like Slash does.

I'm stretching my arms out before the solo as I do have an injury that is really effecting my guitar playing/practice... I'm not going to lie, I was in a lot of pain here! Have to stop playing for the rest of the day now...

I sure hope you enjoy this!

Maybe next time I will stand up and give a proper performance ;)

Peace and love!

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Wow..! Your guitar skills is amazing Dude.
Hmm.. Maybe one day we can collaborate on guitar?
I think this is going to be awesome Dude!

Thank you so much dude!
That is a great idea! I would love to collab man :) how can we sort it out? Will be awesome dude!

I was thinking about having like a 'Hive Shred Collab' haha you know like the YouTuber Jared Dines used to do?

Outrageously cool bro...sorry to hear about your injury. It did look kinda cool tho , that pause to stretch and loosen up then diving right into that epic solo....awesome. Every one of these videos makes me want an electric guitar :).

Thanks so much dude! Really appreciate this, super happy that you liked it man! Haha that's awesome to hear that it looked cool :D I had to pause and prep!
You should get one man if you can, maybe get a second hand cheap one off gumtree or something? I need a decent acoustic guitar soon!

You nailed it again, big bro!!

Aw thanks so much sis! You are so awesome! :)

Always welcome, big bro!!!

Que hermoso trabajó amigo , me encantó 😍 muchas felicitaciones 🤩😍❣️

Thank you so much @fina777 !:) I appreciate this! Glad that you enjoyed my playing! Thanks for watching :)

You never cease to amaze us all week after week brother... I was only interested in the videos where people sang, but in open Mic I've met many interesting instrumentalists and I have a passion especially for guitarists. You for example are not singing here, but you totally transmit what you want to say through the music. Whether it's something intense like this performance or more quiet like the week you hosted. Bravo my friend, thank you very much for being here!.

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Good morning my bro! Thank you so much for this awesome comment, I am so grateful that you have listened and enjoyed my playing! Great to hear how you have come to love instrumentals too! It is the same with me, from these open mic events I am now loving all sorts of performances! It is awesome! Thanks man :)

Definitivamente amigo @sunsethunter haces hablar esa guitarra no hay duda hoy con con algo más fuerte🤟💢💯, estuvo genial. Felicitaciones 🎵🎵🌙🎶🎶⭐🎧💫🎸🎸🎙️🌹👏👏👏☺️🌔🎙️espero puedas mejorar de tu dolencia🙏🧡💜💙❤️💞

Thank you so very much! It is always great to hear from you:) I'm so happy you enjoyed my performance this week! Really appreciate this! :)

Legends like Scott are missing in rock, he was a star that could shine anywhere 🔥🔥🔥!!!!!

My brother what happened? how did you get injured? take good care of yourself so the injury doesn't increase the pain, play only what you need to and that's it!!!!

You chose a perfect song, I remember when it was on MTV that was incredible, a band with a dream team without a doubt. I must tell you that you played it in an amazing and hallucinating way, the solo was brutal, it was excellent Bro, congratulations for having rocked hard!!!!

I send you a big hug Bro, you are a Rockstar 🤘, my admiration and respect and hey, you have 2 black Epiphone? that's insane 🤯!!!!

You Rockkkkk!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

We sure are missing many legends now man! They live on through us!

Ah man, it is a guitar related injury! I was playing an Ibanez with a very thin neck (wizard 3) and I kept getting this strange pain in my hand - stupidly, I kept on deciding to play through the pain thinking that my muscles would get used to the neck until one day I felt a pop in my hand and I couldn't play guitar for 2 months. I then developed tendonitis and is an ongoing recovery... I now play with lighter strings and sadly can't go for more than about 1 hour. I'm sure it will improve with time! :D

Thanks so much bro, I knew you would love this song! Yes haha, I do have 2 black Epiphone! One of them (the one I used here) was for sale so cheap ($150 for a Les Paul Custom) as it was abandoned and needed some TLC! I have brought her back to life! :D

you rock dude!

Ahhh my Brother don't tell me that 😔, that happens to many instrumentalists, especially drummers, that's too bad Bro, you must take care of yourself and give time to recovery and tolerance, because I understand that it is a condition that can be chronic... take care of yourself please!!!!

For me years ago when I started playing in drop tunings, my hand started to bother me and in a few months I got a ball in my left hand which is the one I use for fingering, and Brother, the pain was horrible 😣, it turns out it was something called ganglion, I don't know how to say it in English, but that was the diagnosis, in fact it deserved surgery and they told me I could not play again; I certainly lasted months without playing but I looked for other alternatives, the best one was to stop playing for half a year, I recovered, it was removed (no surgery) and it has not come back, I had to do the same with the strings, but after that I lost a lot of speed sadly, but I was not going to stop playing 🔥🔥🔥!!!

Soooo beautiful your guitars man and the song not to mention, you did something very EPIC Bro 🔥🔥🔥🔥.... sincerely.... You Fu&%$ Rockkk!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

You won't believe me but a couple of days ago I was thinking about this song while I was on my way to work, it's amazing how you now bring it to the community and with an awesome presentation, the guitar solo is simply great. I am thankful with your post, great job dear friend.

Cool that is so awesome! It is such a great song! Thank you so much, I really appreciate this! Very happy that you have enjoyed it! :) I hope you're having an awesome weekend!:)

What a riff what a guitar-chief dude!, u are amazing, I love to come here when I can to feel powerful music. I'd never listened to this album completely, I'm gonna do it right now Jaja, thanks for sharing.

Awesome man! Enjoyed listening to that album, it is such a great one! So many great songs and solos!
Thanks so much, I'm so glad that you've enjoyed my playing! It is such a great tune, it was fun to play! Appreciate it man :)

Calidad! 👍
Disfrute mucho amigo Felicitaciones 😎

Thank you so much @israelromero !:) Thanks for watching! :)

Rock on dude! Great technique, just clean brutal music. Brutal!

Thanks so much brother! Means a lot to me :) keep on rocking!

Demasiado hermoso, muchas felicitaciones amigo, mucho más exitos☺️🤗😃👍🎉 me encantó tu participación exelente 🤗

Hey @yuli07 !:) thank you so much! I really appreciate this, I'm so happy you enjoyed it! You are awesome!