Hive Open Mic week 140 - Kolam Susu (Cover) by Teofilus

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hi everybody. Introducing myself, my name is Teofilus Sinaga and I come from Indonesia to be precise to the city of Medan. Today, the weekly #openmic event has entered its 140th week with the theme The Sea (Caribbean). This theme was chosen by @thelooter, one of the great singers and spotlight artists in this hive community. The Hive Open Mic weekly music event is very interesting to me because it provides challenges from each theme of the week.

In this week's theme, I will perform a cover song entitled "Kolam Susu" in English "Milk Pool" written and popularized by Koes Plus. In my opinion, this song is suitable for this week's theme because the lyrics convey a message about the beauty, wealth, and fertility of Indonesia. This is a song so long ago, I wasn't even born at that time. This song was released in 1970.

In my opinion, this song is a subtle satire song for the government. Because musicians in the 70s to 90s had songs that were full of criticism and were against the government. The reason I say this song is satire is that in that year there was no maritime minister in Indonesia. The sea in Indonesia is full of natural wealth. Many types of fish and shrimp are scattered in Indonesian waters. But people from outside the country take and steal it even greedily and destructively. Until this song was written, the Minister of Maritime Affairs was appointed, so that the sea and natural wealth in Indonesia could be protected from theft of natural resources.

Indonesian Lyric

Bukan lautan Hanya kolam susu
Kail dan jala Cukup menghidupimu

Tiada badai, tiada topan Kau temui
Ikan dan udang Menghampiri dirimu

Orang bilang tanah kita Tanah surga
Tongkat, kayu dan batu Jadi tanaman

English Lyric

Not an ocean. Just a pool of milk
Hooks and nets Sufficient for you

No storms, no typhoons You meet
Fish and prawns Coming to you

People say our land is the land of heaven
Sticks, wood, and stones Become plants

Lyric Source by Smule

Thank you for listening to the songs I play, I hope you all enjoy the voice I sing. Greetings all. May we all be able to give love to all beings in the universe. Stay healthy, keep your spirit, and greetings from me. Below is the original version of the song I performed today.

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