"He is a friend to everyone and a tremendous musician, specializing in the Venezuelan cuatro..."
To be more precise, Maestro Padilla is an expert interpreter of the Mandolin. It's true, he plays the cuatro, but his main instrument has always been the mandolin and the violin.
That's right @thelooter. Those are the keys. All those instruments, the Cuatro, the Guitar, the Bandola, the Violin and the Mandolin are to my liking. I also play a little electric bass and put the chords on the piano. The instrument that I formally studied was the Violin and I played it in the "Simón Bolívar" Symphony Orchestra for 10 years. However, it's the one I play the least, since it's an instrument that requires a lot of daily training and... it's like we're not here for those jogs anymore. We know that it is a very demanding instrument and mastering it in its entirety is impossible. I have neglected him for a long time, because now I dedicate myself to teaching... and, now, in these last few days, I have dusted him off thanks to you and this beautiful Hive Open Mic community. You are the ones who encourage me and this is a way to give you back a little for what you have done for me with all your gratifying comments. Now, all these instruments are demanding, but the Mandolin is my favorite and, right now, I have it in intensive care. Hopefully, with the help of you and Hive, I can get her out of that serious state to continue making good music for you. Thank you for your comment and we look forward to your participation and that of all these beautiful Hive Open Mic people. Blessings.
Así es @thelooter. Esas son las claves. Todos esos instrumentos, el Cuatro, la Guitarra, la Bandola, el Violín y la Mandolina son de mi agrado. También toco un poco el Bajo eléctrico y pongo los acordes en el Piano. El instrumento que estudie formalmente fue el Violín y llegué a tocarlo en la Orquesta Sinfónica "Simón Bolívar" durante 10 años. Sin embargo, es el que menos toco, pues es un instrumento que requiere mucho entrenamiento diario y... como que ya no estamos para esos trotes. Sabemos que es un instrumento muy exigente y dominarlo en su totalidad es imposible. Le he descuidado por mucho tiempo, pues ahora me dedico a la docencia... y, ahora, en esto últimos días, lo he desempolvado gracias a ustedes y a esta hermosa comunidad Hive Open Mic. Son ustedes los que me alientan y esta es una manera de retribuirles un poco lo que han hecho por mi con todos sus comentarios gratificantes. Ahora bien, todos estos instrumentos son exigentes, pero la Mandolina es mi favorita y, ahora mismo, la tengo en terapia intensiva. Ojalá, con la ayuda de ustedes y de Hive, pueda sacarla de ese estado de gravedad para seguir haciendo buena música para ustedes. Gracias por tu comentario y esperamos pronto tu participación y la de toda esta gente bella Hive Open Mic. Bendiciones.
Bendiciones para ti también Estelio.
Te preguntarás como pude saber esos detalles sobre tu vida artística. Resulta que nosotros nos conocemos personalmente, de hecho, fuimos vecinos por un tiempo. Soy amigo y vecino de Cayito y Carlos.
Un abrazo.
Oh thanks for your correction. I updated the post to reflect your input. Yeah, I see his mastery in a huge variety of instruments, many of which we can see and hear in his latest entry: https://peakd.com/hive-105786/@esteliopadilla/tigkhvar
No worries, dear friend, I totally understand you.
I was able to make these observations because I have the honor of personally knowing Master Padilla.
On the other hand, more than a correction, it is about getting to know each other a little better and thus fostering a sense of community among all the musicians who choose Hive Open Mic as our weekly stage.
Musical hugs for you.