Hive open mic week #176 <>IMELA BY NATHANIEL BASSEY (COVER)

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hello hive open mic community it's week 176 and today I will be presenting a song titled "IMELA" by Nathaniel Bassey which is in line with the theme of this week "GRATITUDES" .

Designed on canva

So yesterday the 22nd of August marked my 6 years being married. I look at all the things we have been through as a couple, (I and my husband) we have been through thick and thin and even through the toughest of times, sometimes it will feel as if one can't go on but by God we still get the strength to go on and break out from such predicaments. We have grown together, learnt together and built our family together. We have had our share of successes and failures but we have never stopped loving and supporting each other. I am so blessed to have a partner like him and I will continue to cherish our marriage for many more years to come.

At times it is as if we can't live without each other and sometimes it's the others side , by through it God still sustains us and while I was recording this video I was just thinking of how good God has been, helping us in all we do or would want to do , miraculously we find our selce still together and waxing stronger.

This presentation is my way of saying I am grateful to God. I am showing gratitude for all he has done in our lives.


When I think upon Your goodness
And Your faithfulness each day
I'm convinced it's not because I am worthy
To receive the kind of love that You give
But I'm grateful for Your mercy
And I'm grateful for Your grace
And because of how You've poured out your Yourself
I have come to sing this song out in praise

Imela, Imela
Okaka, Onyekeruwa (Great and Might creator of the world)
Imela, Imela (Thank You! Thank You!)
Eze mo (My King)

Who am I to sing Your praises?
Who am I to worship You?
Its Your blood that makes the difference in me
And made a way to enter into Your throne
I could not come near Your presence
I could never sing Your song
But the sacrifice on Calvary's tree
Is the reason I can cry out today

Imela, Imela
Okaka, Onyekeruwa
Imela, Imela
Eze mo

Imela, Imela
Okaka, Onyekeruwa
Imela, Imela
Eze mo...

find the rest of the lyric here


Thumbnail designed on canva

Designed on Canva

▶️ 3Speak


Thank God for His mercy and Grace over our lives.

Good job, keep it up.

We thank God for his grace

I heard this song a long time ago and I must say you sang this very well.🔥

Awwwwn thank you so much for listening 😍

This song fit the theme so well
And you voice is amazing too
Well done 🤗

Thank you very much.

I love this song, you sang it beautifully dear 😍

Thank you very much my dear mentor

Beautiful song. It talks about showing gratitude to God for all he has done and how he has seen us through out our lives.
Lovely rendition

Yes Hod has indeed been a great God. We can only be grateful

You really did well , I love how you are improving everyday , you had a nice present .keep the up baby

I think this theme came coincidentally with your wedding anniversary. I wish you more happy married life in good health and wealth. Being grateful for bringing you thus far is something amazing. This is a beautiful song too. You did well 👏

Yeahtgetheme just rhymed with the event of yesterday.
I'm so grateful .singing this was also sprit lifting.
Thanks for watching

Okaka, onye kere uwa.... 😂 LOLZ

You are doing great
Loving your worship here
Well done ✅

Thank you for watching ma'am

I love what I'm seeing here. This week's theme is amazing and your choice of song fits well

Thank you .
I love the so much

You're welcome

Wow, after watching this I am so grateful to God..... Thanks for sharing such an appropriate song for the week's theme

Nice one here girl

Thank you very much 🙏🙏

You're welcome


 2 years ago  

Hive-Open-Mic-Thanks2304e (1).png

I'm grateful for God's mercy

Wow wow wow
I'm so much impressed, tums up dear for the great job, u did so super amazing 🤩
I love that song

Trust me dear friend, this is absolutely beautuful. Omo, U don make me fall in love with this song o😍

Hehe really 😍😍
Thank you

Está presentación sonó hermosa, tu canto con una entrega total hacia Dios, muy sublime y perfecto. Dios siga bendiciendo tu vida y tu matrimonio amiga @treasuree 🙏🤗🎧🌹👏👏👏😊🎤💜❤️💕

This presentation sounded beautiful, your singing with total dedication to God, very sublime and perfect. God continue to bless your life and your marriage friend @treasuree 🙏🤗🎧🌹👏👏👏😊🎤💜❤️💕

I just adore how you use your different voice to make a great song!