Hive Open Mic - SEMANA 137 “Healing” ❤ "Tropiezos" | Melodía Original de @Williepicana

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

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Hola maravillosa comunidad de Hive Open Mic, espero que todos estén excelentes amigas y amigos, en esta ocasión quiero presentarles un tema que escribí, titulado "Tropiezos", que está acompañada de una instrumental elaborada por mi gran amigo Mehsah conocido en el mundo musical como beatmaker y rapero también, la canción escribí es excelente, ya que expresa la cruda realidad que se vive en el día a día, por lo tanto, quise contarles algunas cosas, siento que todos los seres humanos tenemos una historia donde es sana compartirla, porque así dejaremos nuestra huella plasmada, sobre la temática de esta semana #137 “Healing”, me encanto porque el concepto estuvo magnífico donde podemos marcar la diferencia, y más en esta hermosa plataforma, donde tenemos la oportunidad de compartir nuestro talento en este espacio tan encantador, me siento muy feliz de poder apreciar tanto talento, tanto arte y amor por la música al poder observar cada uno de mis compañeros y compañeras que cada semana participamos para llevar una buena música para los oídos de los que apreciamos y apoyamos la cultura, Gracias Hive Open Mic por tanto apoyo, por permitirme formar parte de una familia tan magnífica y por enseñarme cada día más para mi crecimiento como artista profesional. Así que espero que les agrade infinitamente como ya saben que mi género musical, es de Hip Hop/Rap. Les deseo muchas bendiciones y éxitos. Directamente de mi humilde estudio de grabación, el cual lleva el nombre "Templo".

Hello wonderful community of Hive Open Mic, I hope you are all excellent friends, this time I want to present a song that I wrote, entitled "Tropiezos", which is accompanied by an instrumental made by my great friend Mehsah known in the musical world as beatmaker and rapper too, the song I wrote is excellent, since it expresses the harsh reality that is lived on a daily basis, therefore, I wanted to tell you some things, I feel that all human beings have a story where it is healthy to share it, because This is how we will leave our mark, on the theme of this week #137 "Healing", I loved it because the concept was magnificent where we can make a difference, and more on this beautiful platform, where we have the opportunity to share our talent in this space so charming, I feel very happy to be able to appreciate so much talent, so much art and love for music by being able to observe each one of my colleagues that every week We participate to bring good music to the ears of those who appreciate and support culture, Thank you Hive Open Mic for so much support, for allowing me to be part of such a magnificent family and for teaching me more each day for my growth as a professional artist. So I hope you like it infinitely as you already know that my musical genre is Hip Hop/Rap. I wish you many blessings and success. Directly from my humble recording studio, which bears the name "Temple".

Escritura/Composición: Williepicana.

Beatmaker: Mehsah.

Estudio de Grabación: "Templo".

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Cantaste lleno de energía y lleno de vibras. Me encantan los raps querida amiga, fuiste muy rápido y muy bueno 😄🤘❤️🙏🎺🎶⭐wow.. querido amigo @williepicana

You sang with full of energy and full of vibes.. I love the raps dear friend you where very fast and very good 😄🤘❤️🙏🎺🎶⭐wow.. dear friend @williepicana

Thank you dear friend @ovey10 for supporting me and enjoying my presentation!!! Greetings and blessings!!!

The pleasure is all mine 🥰🥰🎺⭐🎶

My always come through with dope entries...keep blessing us and keep shining 🌟

My always come through with dope entries...keep blessing us and keep shining 🌟

Thank you bro @sleemfit for always being attentive to support me, it really fills me with great joy to be able to count on your sincere support, many blessings and successes!!!

it's a great choice song. Congratulations friend, your work is very good

it's a great choice song. Congratulations friend, your work is very good

Thank you friend @teofilus for visiting and giving value to my musical art, I thank you infinitely brother!!!

Your rap songs always making cool waves.
I love it.
Keep being amazing dear.

Your rap songs always making cool waves.
I love it.
Keep being amazing dear.

Thank you dear friend @jmis101 for always supporting me!!! I am very happy that you enjoyed my music, I would love for you to continue enjoying my musical art, I wish you many blessings and successes!!!

You are always welcome dear.
Will do 😉