Indeed, addiction to anything will not bring us anything good in life.
In relation to what you say about religion I can say the following: life is not about religion but about having a relationship with our creator in a genuine way. God did not come into the world to create religions, unfortunately it is the human being who has taken care of that!
I agree with you when you say that without Jesus we are nothing, he is our savior and without him we would be lost!
Beautiful musical work, you play very well and that game of voices was nice!
God bless you
pd: be careful with those comments where they tell you to click, they are not reliable!
Wao! I don't think I have come in contact with a heart so full of goodness like yours. You nailed the points very well and with that made a great impression on me about your personality. Thank you very much
About the comments, I will be very careful. Thanks again