Hello, my brothers. How are you all? I wish you all good health and long life. This week, my band is not complete to participate in this cool weekly event. So I decided to attend with our guitarist named Petrus.
Since this week's #openmic event is themed "Canta Conmigo", we decided to bring a cover of the song "Jika Kami Bersama" (If We Together). This song was popularized by the punk band from Bali, Indonesia, namely "Superman Is Dead". which was released in 2009. Until now, this song is still popular among young people.
If you want to know their original song, then I will provide their youtube link below;
If you want to sing along with us, then I will include the lyrics of this song below;
"Jika kami bersama, nyalakan tanda bahaya
Jika kami berpesta, hening akan terpecah
Aku, dia dan mereka memang gila, memang beda
Tak perlu berpura-pura, memang begini adanya
Dan kami di sini
Akan terus bernyanyi
Dan jika kami bersama, nyalakan tanda bahaya
Musik akan menghentak, anda akan tersentak
Dan kami tahu engkau bosan dijejali rasa yang sama
Kami adalah kamu, muda, beda dan berbahaya"
Very simple lyrics, but full of meaning. If you don't understand the Indonesian lyrics. Then the lyrics in English translation are;
"If we're together, turn on the alarm
If we party, the silence will break
Me, he and they are crazy, indeed different
No need to pretend, this is how it is
And we are here
We will keep on singing
And if we're together, turn on the red flag
The music will jolt, you will jolt
And we know you're tired of being stuffed with the same taste
We are you, young, different and dangerous"
Thank you so much for watching and listening to our songs. I hope you guys like it. See you at the next event.
▶️ 3Speak
I love what I Heard here. It really cool my nerves what is the name of the instrument you are beating
in my country, it's called Kazon. but I don't know the name of this instrument in other countries. If it's a good tool, it sounds like a drum. but we don't, because I made it myself from used plywood.
Yes sure it does sound like a drum that is why I asked for the name
Nice work, you guys. Welcome back to the Hive Open Mic community. I'm glad to hear your music again and I'm grateful to you for sharing your musical gifts with us. I'm liking the percussion element, which is pretty rare here. And as a whole, your entire sound is great.
Thank you very much
Yeaakh...! Tuangkan lagi arak mu kawan ! 🍻🤘
hehe, kopi aja deh, biar melek hehe
How fantastic your presentation sounded friends, I congratulate you, the voice was great and the percussion very great, without leaving aside the guitar, without a doubt the songs of Punk are the most energetic and emotional, they transmit a lot of desire to rock and enjoy life ... a hug guys, very good job 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯.
PS: the original is great but I loved your version 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thank you very much sir