Hola @jasperdick , el mar sin dudas es esos lugares donde uno puede volver a la esencia. Siempre lgado a historias de amor y de aventuras, pero también es un ambiente para la transformación. He disfrutado mucho tu interpretación de esta semana, deseo que tu amiga ueda ganarse la guitarra, sé lo importante que es para un músico. Un abrazo gigante desde Venezuela hasta Sur Africa.
Hi @jasperdick , the sea is undoubtedly those places where one can return to the essence. Always linked to stories of love and adventure, but it is also an environment for transformation. I really enjoyed your interpretation this week, I hope your friend can win the guitar, I know how important it is for a musician. A giant hug from Venezuela to South Africa.
Thank you so much! I don't know if you have Facebook but I don't think you need an account to click on the link and view the video. Her first song is beautiful and I'm quite excited about the other two as well!