Spending $HBD and getting an instant 30% rebate with Distrion

in SpendHBD10 months ago (edited)

Spend HBD test.jpeg

I just got off the phone with my friend Matt (@starkerz) who was giddy as a schoolboy with a brand new toy.

He absolutely HAD to show me this! and man, is it cool!

They've just developed a way for businesses to have a business profile created for free, where users can go an create a review of their experience and they can generate an invoice for me to pay with $HBD using my @keychain dapp.

As you can se here, there are already some businesses on the site. Not surprisingly, they are mosttly located in Cumaná, Sucre, Venezuela, An absolute hotspot for the adoption of #freedomtools:

Businesses on distrion 01.png

Businesses on distrion 02.png

I've made a test visit below, please ignore the photos.

"amazing test experience"

If I, as a customer, pay the invoice they've generated, I'll obviously send them the funds, but check out this amazing part: I instantly get a 30% rebate on whatever I spent!

This is my 1.003 HBD test transaction followed by a 0.301 HBD rebate:
Test transaction and rebate.png

Game changer, right?

Of course, all this is still in the early stages of development and will get improvements in the coming days and weeks, but I couldn't wait to show you my very first experience.

Congratulations to the Distrion team! 👏👏👏


Whoah, this is amazing! Being able to pay with HBD is already huge, but getting a rebate on top of that is awesome. I wonder if there is a limit to the amount of rebate that one can get. I don't think it can be sustainable for them at those high amounts, if they're just relying on post votes. I do hope they can continue to do it for a long time to encourage more users.

It IS pretty amazing!

This is just a test transaction I did. They are still figuring out what the optimal rebate percentage is as well as overall limit of the value of the transaction. The project is mostly geared towards incentivizing small purchase to drive adoption of both users and merchants.

That makes sense. The rebate will be sure to turn some heads. Living near those areas and being able to take advantage of it must be really nice.

30% rebate on a purchase using a stablecoin like hbd, that's really insane!
Let's keep spreading the word! 🙌

Super exciting times! It's way too early to say if it'll stay at that percentage, so take advantage and use it as much as possible!

I'm hyped!

I should check it out but I am not that sure a lot of shops are already accepting it in Europe. I'll have to help a hand sprethe word here 😅

I saw a test days ago where you paid 1 HBD and received 1 HBD cashback, will we have a defined amount, is it random?
Will it be possible to know the cashback before the payment or will it be a lottery? Will there be a limit of amounts? Where does the cashback money come from? I imagine by posting and it is a vote, but it has not been cashed in yet.

This is my very first test with the platform. I paid $1 HBD and received a $0.30 HBD rebate, that's 30%. The amount will vary depending on a number of factors, but for now it ranges from 30% - 50%. The rebate is financed by the Distrion team and yes, it comes from the rewards the post receives in the form of upvotes.

I'm already brainstorming ideas for using this. I hope it will be something more predictable and less unpredictable to create good projects.


Man, that's awesome! A 30% rebate? I don't know how many restaurants are doing this now, but I hope it spreads soon. @starkerz did an amazing job. Every customer's dream.

Pretty cool, right?

The project is called Distrion and there's a team behind it. Starkerz is part of this team :)

who pays the 30% rebate to encourage HBD to be used? Merchant? Distrion?

The beneficiary of the rewards from the post that is generated when you pay as set to 100% Distrion. For example, this post will generate around $40 that will be held in treasury and used to finance the rebate.

How can we ignore the photos? 😁 Starkerz is just staring at me 😁

I konw, I mean, look at that smile! 😄


You’re one of the best people who trade with Hive/HBD all the time
Kudos to you!

Soon, with tools like this, EVERYBODY is going to be using $HIVE and $HBD. I'm so excited about this 🙌

It sounds good but sorry man, I didn't understood where can I find these places

The project is still being developed, but the incentive is to onboard merchants near you to have a place to spend your $HBD. Everybody wins. Web3 #freedomtools are driving a huge paradigm shift.

Yes of course.
I'll follow this initiative.

I would love to make my books and other output available for sale for HBD, but I can't quite get a handle on how to get set up on Distrion ... is there a tutorial or guide?

Can't wait to see those stuffs in my town. HBD payments 🔥