It was nice listing climax gas and filling my gas as a tutorial to show him how spendhbd project works
Business name: climaxgas
Open SpendHBD Business Page
Paid Amount: 2.769 Hive Dollars
Rewards Claimed: 0.831 Hive Dollars (30% of 2.769 Hive Dollars)
To benefit from Distriator and receive discounts on your Hive Dollars purchases:
Spend Hive Dollars at listed businesses on Distriator (See business list here -
Make sure business issues a QR Invoice from / Hive-Keychain app.
Go to, log in, follow the instructions, and make your claim.
Fantastic! This is excellent progress and I ope more shops and vendors catch on! I believe some are even using a QR code - not tat I would know how to set that up - but the technology is there and the access to funds is becoming as easy as paying with your debit/credit card!
Gradually most businesses will learn
it seems that it' he way the world is headed financially, so it only makes sense!
😉🐝😉🐝Busy Bees Manual Curation Report #02😉🐝😉🐝 Well done! You have been manually curated by @clairemobey for the
keep beeeeeeing awesome and show some love to the other @busybees by upvoting, commenting on and reblogging their content!