Hello friends, howdy,it is that time of the week and of the year to spend some hbd once more.It is shokin' day 12 spent at kilimanjaro Restaurant, which was really nice.
I was really hyped and happy as always to attend each shokin event not knowing what awaits,the picked out restaurant kilimanjaro was a really nice place and had lots of things to offer which we are gonna dive right into now.
Kilimanjaro,if you asked me, i would term it as the biggest fast food in the state offering lots of goodies from high-quality dishes to snacks.
Getting to the restaurant, i was met with a pretty amazing environment so massive because of the shopping mall right next to the restaurant. It had a very massive parking lot, which could hold way over
100 cars at a time which is really impressive.The environment was filled with different other stores which sells different things as well.
The wide environment and lots of space make the place idea. Getting into the restaurant, you would be met with the order counter as most other restaurants in town.
Walking in there, i noticed the vast number of customers, all waiting in line, which was a really long line and made me believe their food tatsed really nice. Join me as we find out.
Here is a link to a video i made around the place. Please watch guys👇
Favourite part of the event once is the part I get to have some food which wasnt a lovely experience this time around,the restaurant had several goodies to offer from foreign dishes to local dishes aswell,including snacks,drinks,pizza and many more.
Getting to the order area there were lots and lots of customers making my wait time longer and longer i had to wait almost an hour to make an order,finally making an order getting to pay for my food whats also a problem waiting almost an hour again to get the food i ordered which i wasn't really happy with,after all the wait time the food got cold and was also disappointed with them not having a microwave.Out of all the restaurant sofar the have the least favourable customer service would give them a 4/10.
I got some fried rice with turkey, which was quite expensive as well, but the taste 😋 won my heart as it was properly seasoned, and the turkey was juicy and delicious would give the meal a 9.8/10
Was really impressed with the food,in attendance were many old friends from hive which came to share a blissful afternoon meal together spendinghbd.
Here are some pictures taken at the place
Getting to go on this wonderful shokin events really puts a smile on my face knowing how far hive have gone to making payments with crypto really amazes me.
I would love to do more for the spendhbd community by engaging more in bringing newbies this year and getting to tell more masses as i can about hive and spendhbd.
I also have a complaint against their customer service, probably because they don't have enough waiters but I definitely enjoyed my meals. They were tasty
Let's keep promoting spend HBD as best as we can
Yeah the customer service wasn't so great but the meals were
Let's do our best together
We all really enjoyed ourselves. Let's keep on supporting Shokin days!!