Shokin Day 16 : La Fresh Food 'N' Bakery

in SpendHBD • last month

Hello friends another wonderful day is here once more as it is time for shoppers konnect day 16.🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳.

So as usual we all know the drill we picked put a place for this weeks event and it fell into a restaurant as well this week seems like the gang loves to eat so much.
After selection it turned out to be La Fresh Food 'N' Bakery which is a really nice spot to spend some hbd and get some cashback.

La Fresh Food 'N' Bakery

La fresh food and bakery is a really nice restaurant located mid town close to the popular ariria international market aba.

Being a popular spot in town for hivers and non hivers,the offer really nice and delicious dishes with prices that are really okay and on the affordable side.

The Mangement and the workers at la fresh has marked out our faces that anything we arrive there is always smiles on there faces which makes me in particular very happy.

After some time of changing greetings with the Mangement and fellow hivers.
We sat together for a while dicussing matters that affect us all and hive matters to.

Having Lunch At La Fresh Food 'N' Bakery

Time to place orders is finally here and everyone is picking out what the would really love to have,some going for the local delicacies while others go for foreign delicacies as for me i did something i never thought i would do.

I had some fried plaintain chips and Coca-Cola drink at the restaurant leaving all my friends in shock and wondering what could have happened 😅.
But it was nothing of serious matter as i had a heavy breakfast that morning not so long before arriving at the restaurant to meet with friends.

The plantain and the drink cost quite alot more than i expected almost rivaling the prices of conplete dishes which i was shocked to find out.

Aftet having our lunch together and we were quite few of the numbers unlike most days.
And we were all surprised to get 1hbd each from our team captain @fokusnow at the spot,i was really grateful for what he did cause unlike most team leaders i have worked with in the past he is exceptional.

Here are some pictures we took together


Finally it was time to leave once more and everyone was ready to bid there goodbyes but for the time moment.
I really love spending time with friends and thanks to this perfect opportunity through spendhbd ibget to experience that more.

Thats pretty all for now and thank you all friends who engage and read my posts.

See you all on the next