Another day has come to share with you my listing adventure 😄. For the past few weeks I have been away from my State for some official assignments which took me up to three weeks, that's was why I was off in sending my report as usual.
I arrived in my on Sunday evening, upon my arrival I knew that is time for work. Lol
Check through some of my messages, I saw an update of I friend of mine that is a hair stylist, so I called her and told her about the spendhbd project by @thedistriator.
She was impressed by it and we fixed a day for our meeting in her workplace which was Tuesday 11th Mar.
First visit and listen
It's was a lovely Tuesday afternoon when I called on @blessedsaloon to know if she is less busy for me for roll over, so she gave me a go ahead as a fall in.
It has been a long time since we meant, so we were very happy to see ourselves again and it all happened because of the spendhbd outreach.
We took time to talk about other stuff that happened for some period of time while we were busy doing different activities and finally, I officially told her about the spendhbd project and how it will help her in growth her business from now on.
I created a hive account for her via the spendhbd sign-up option and also listed her business.
She told me that she may not be staying immediate, because she will be traveling for a ceremony and when she comes back I will be visiting her to teach her self and few other persons how to use the services.
We took some pictures together with her apprentice as we called it a day.
Business location
Her business is located at No, 25 Opposite Anty Court Asaba Delta State.
Below are some stuffs she sells.
Thanks for reading through, we sincerely appreciate.
Let's go spend the HBD!!!
This saloon is very much loaded, every woman aught to come and enjoy the place.
With time, I'm gonna be hosting workshop in those places..
Yeah, you will onboard many.