Hi! You are the admin of Worldmappin right?
I wanted to adust my posting to properly fit the community but when I wanted to publish my post it instantly got marked as spam.
Can you please help me?
I want to ge to a point where I can post here about travelling because I have in the past but I can not do that again without making a new Hive account.
I would prefer using this one.
Looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.
Hey there. your post only gets muted when you are breaking the rules: https://peakd.com/hive-163772/@worldmappin/guideline-for-your-travel-content-posting-in-worlmappin-community-engesp
Did you break any of those? If you want get in touch with us via discord -> lizanomadsoul
Hi! Thank you for the reply.
I accidentally posted a post that was off-topic and apparently got musted so now I can't even properly comment on that community.
I just need to be able to comment again and then I can keep leanring and commening there and maybe become a posting memeber one day.
I can not use discord currently.
Is there a faster solution?
Thank you in advance.
Hi there. You should be unmuted by now. Please follow the rules from now on.
Thank you, I have made sure that I will not post to wrong communites on Hive.
I seem to still not be able to reply to this post:
ok we'll reach out in your most recent post.