I am delighted to announce the official launch of SpendHBD outdoor campaign today at God's Own Supermarket. This campaign with the results we got today, promises to turn in the highest number of new sign ups in a short time. The main idea here is to let customers of each listed business understand why they should be interested in SpendHBD so as to sign them up. Today, 6 customers of God's Own Supermarket enjoyed their discounts after having signed up. I am optimistic that more will join.
Targeting customers
While we have a growing group of users from other places, this outdoor campaign was designed for customers of the business. I choose God's Own Supermarket to launch this campaign and we did well.
A team od volunteers from our group supported us this first day. They include @bummblebee, @empressjay, @ngobaby, @ijebest and @bakinba who brought a friend to sign up too. All of us worked together just outside God's own supermarket.
We stationed the campaign rollup banner in front of the supermarket so that both passers-by and customers could easily see it. When passers-by looked at the banner with interest, we try to invite them closer to learn about the cash discount initiative. For the customers that walk into the supermarket, we also let them know that there is a special discount campaign going on. At the end of the day, 6 persons agreed to join the program and enjoy their cash discounts. It was such a great way to launch this special awareness effort.
Hive has 6 more users than before
The customers that agreed to wait and get signed up smiled home at the end of it all with their discount. Below are all the customers that got signed up:
@desmondtutu (invited by @bakinba)
Each of these customers were patient enough to have the Hive Keychain wallet downloaded into their device, signed up and then learned how to scan to pay. We also made sure they understood how to claim their discounts. One interesting part of this project is that people bring their friends to benefit. One of the customers @yungxyar and @lindave were briught by their friend @johnnyben who I mate at the supermarket yesterday and signed up. The networking opportunity is a great way to get more users into Hive ecosystem.
For each person that signed up and after claiming their discounts, I asked them for a selfie. Some of them accepted and a few were camera-shy. Below, I want to share with you, a link of their transactions and some of the selfies I took with them:
First customer
selfie with @yungxyar
Second customer, no selfie
third customer
selfie with @mcviks
fourth customer
selfie with @lindave
fifth customer
Picture of fifth customer
sixth customer
Selfie with sixth customer
The team after we closed
Everyone that was part of the team made valuable contributions to make this day a success. I really appreciate their efforts and sacrifice. We had to take pictures outside the supermarket to remember the occasion of this first Outdoor Campaign. Below are some of the pictures we took.
Going forward
This campaign looks like it will deliver the results expected of it. On the first day, I worked alone and signed up 3 customers. On this actually launching day, we registered 6 customers. Now a total of 9 new users that are customers of Gods Own Supermarket have joined Hive. I am trying to think of how many persons would join from this business and all the other listed businesses if we are to expand into more teams doing this simultaneously.
I want to thank all the shokin team for their always being there for us. I also invite everyone to try their best to be part of this campaign. All that is needed is a SpendHBD branded t-shirt and face cap. If we can have a steady presence in all the businesses listed, then Hive will experience a bigger inflow of new users who are customers of the listed businesses. This is the beginning of mass adoption if everyone on Hive could replicate these efforts or at least do something to sign up newbies and retain them.
Nice one guys
Thanks a lot
Nice one guys. Your efforts were truly blessed.
Community keeps growing 💪🏿
Great efforts with fruitful results! You all did well. The campaign is sure to bring forth more newbies.
Thanks for the kind words. It was really a successful outing. How was your day?
This is impressive, well done you all...
Nice one bro. We keep moving forward to onboard as many users as possible.
Keep it's up
Yes we will always try our best
Weldon sir , you are so inspiring
Who is that person that would hear of the SPENDHBD initiative and won't want to be a part of it? Not me.
This really needs to be given the time and attention it deserves. For those doing that already, Forza!!!
We are coming...
Everyone loved the idea and couldnt wait to have their discount. Its a massive opportunity. Thanks for the encouragement
Wow, you guys are doing so well...
You are trying enough too, kudos for the work at Lagos
It really nice , Weldon sir
Thank you so much fren
Quality outing, letting people to know the beauty we have found in this community.
It was really amazing, thank you for coming!!!!
Thank you
You need not say it, today was really a successful one, kudos to u guys, but allmost all the new sign ups were males.i guess they were more receptive
We had 1 female too, but she was too shy yo face the camera. All of them responded positively and were patient enough to wait for the entire time to claim discount