Regular purchase and claiming attracted a newbie to hive

in SpendHBD2 months ago

Good evening lovely friends of spendhbd community. Hope we are spending hbd and ready to onboard more members to hive. Let me share my experience today about how a newbie joined hive.

Today, just this evening base on Nigerian time, I went to Dikkies Supermarket to purchase important items for the family especially now that school have resume for the children. What I bought is noodles and 3 in one chocolate powder.

But on Friday, as I went to Dikkies Supermarket, I lectured one of the managers of the importance of him having his own personal hive account since many of us do patronize them and even newbies joining will also need someone ready or standby at the supermarket to generate QR code for them whenever they purchase.

My reason for encouraging him to sign up is because of the incident that took place about 4 days ago at that same dikkies Supermarket. Two of our members visited them to purchase important household items but Sammy wasn't around and his number too was off. To make matter worst, I tried generating it from my destination at the moment but network failed me because I was in an interior village at the moment so I couldn't generate it for them.

My fellow spendhbd spenders really felt bad because they're newbies and couldn't set and generate receipts. I felt for them. Therefore, I encouraged either one of the staffs to get registered so as to be able and always available to generate payments whenever it's needed.

So reaching there today, surprisingly, one of the managers of the business brought out his phone for me to process his registration. Do you know what? I was totally amazed to see that he have downloaded hive keychain already to show his readiness to join hive and spendhbd.

So I helped him to download ecency as well and then process his registration via spendhbd signup page.

But while processing his registration, I asked him why he now decides to join hive. He said and I quote:

Since you and been your members have been purchasing and claiming discounts/cashback from this platform, I have been monitoring the site and am now ready to join as well. It's true that we need someone else to join, but couple with that, this is my main reason.

I felt so happy and then commence the registration.

His chosen username is @hylesschief.

Please let's welcome him as well.

I have also set up his profile via ecency and will teach him other things including how to buy and claim starting from tomorrow since i have shown him how to generate receipt for shoppers.


Welcome newbie, that's a great job @marajah, keep on promoting this life-changing project

That was so sad about network and that has been our major problem here.