SpendHBD marketing in Yaba Market In Lagos Nigeria Today A Great Tour!!

in SpendHBD2 months ago (edited)

Hi guys, welcome to my report feedback of Lagos #Spendhbd marketing today at Yaba Market.

So as we reported last week Friday, we visited some cosmetic shops and we were asked to come back today being Monday, so we can meet with the CEOs.

We agreed to meet at Yaba Market by 2pm so we can meet the business owners. @beautybb arrived before me and i was able to join her 30 minutes later.

On my way i captured some market movement event.

I joined @beautybb in the first cosmetics shop and the man kicked against the whole idea.

His fear was first due to past lost on the crypto space which was as a result of the Nigerian Government policy on cryptocurrency.

The man said he lost 200m naira, so he vowed never to have anything to do with cryptos anymore.

He loved the whole idea of the spendhbd discount, but for the fact it's associated with Blockchain and cryptocurrency, he bluntly refused.

At that point, he began to recall all his encounters and the coins he bought including $hive, after all said and done, he said he wouldn't like Nigeria Government to come after his business because of the project.

We were just so weak and frustrated, and with subsequent encounters with most business owners who kicked against the project due to the Nigerian government policy, we decided to look for somewhere to sit and re-strategize.

We had to go to a sit-out under Spar at Tejuosho to sot down and plan.

We came up with the suggestion of going back to schools like University of Lagos.

The below is us inside the sit-out with our stressed face.

We spent hours trying to plan and re-strategize on how to go about this marketing, because this government policy is more serious in Lagos than every other parts of the country, so we too don't get into trouble.

We agreed on Unilag, but yet to fix date probably before the week runs out or next Monday.

After a long discussion, i was already hungry at around past 4pm, thank God i had a biscuit in my bag, i had to help myself with biscuits and water.

My biscuits

When we were done, we had to take our leave. While leaving, i captured a few market events.

Before we parted ways, we had to take a little selfie 😊.

While i was going, i saw a hair vendor in the open market and i decided to check it out.

Before now, i seriously needed to get a hair, so i saw one that i actually liked and i decided to get it.

She helped me to trim it a bit to suit my face and aftee the triming i had to yest it on my face to bw sure that it suits me.

It was perfectly beautiful and i was glad i achieved one thing amidst the disappointment from our journey.

At least my transportation to Yaba Market wasn't in vein i said to myself.

My hair on a dull

My hair on me

The hair gave me entirely a new look and i loved my new look. After paying for the hair, i quickly borded a bus and went home.

This was how our #spandhbd marketing in Yaba Market Lagos Nigeria, went today.

Thank you for visiting 🤗🤗.

Regards 😍