My introduction post into hive and a wonderful shokin experience

in SpendHBD4 months ago

Hello name is victory okohpaul and i hail from bayelsa.... Am the second to last born in a family of 8 and yeah i finally joined hiveeeeee.
I am from a Christian home and thereabout.

We went to the headquarters per say to open my account and i met lots of people thats me there opening my account and it was lowkey stress i just couldn't wait for the shopping.
Down to the shopping we went to Gods own supermarket and it was a nice place with lots of stuff

I bought a little HBD and i began taking something and I noticed something. The means of payment it was mad.....i feeling like an American scanning that stuff to pay for my goods and not having to count money in other thing to say the people were nice the outing was nice and i enjoyed everybit of it.

I can't wait to start posting stuffs i like
So down to the main subject matter i have a lot of things to talk about , at first my brother @roycefx had been going on this outings with his friends and buying stuff and making cash and i got reall interested in the stuff but i was shut off a couple of times but finally he agreed to open a hive account for me. I thank @fokusnow ....his a really kind man and explained every info about hive to me.

Here is a video of my shopping spend hbd experience.
Shokin video experience


Welcome dear friend. You're definitely in the right place. Explore ☺️

Thank you dear 🤭

Welcome to hive fren
Welcome to spendHBD.
I hope you see you more often

Welcome to Hive and SpendHBD. Am sure you enjoyed your shopping with us. Continue to shop more and be sure to invite your friends too. ShoKiN day 5 is close, dont miss it

Finally we can now rest
Welcome baby girl

Finally 🤭

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Happy to have you here. You have made the best decision.

Welcome to Hive, do give it your all. You'll not regret it!!

Thank you 😊

Welcome to hive.and Spend HBD. Enjoy your stay here and shop more.

You're welcome to hive. Always ask questions where and when necessary so as to keep on enjoying the platform but never forget to keep on shopping

Welcome to hive! This is the right place to be and I'm glad you were able to shop with HBD to see we have a spendable coin. Welcome ones more!