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RE: Hive Fest Split - Why Are You So Slow - Billiards Day

in HiveFest5 months ago

Yeeeeeeih that photo of you looked great, with the half smile hahaha you know you were having fun!

that is because of the photographer :) that is my it is a bit awkward but it is happening smile.

I can't really say that it would be much better if the lights were better :) i think this was my favorite day for photos and especially video. Things were happening all the time and a lot of it to film.
Usually if i try to do both one thing suffers, most of the time video.

Most of my videos have drop downs in editing as video goes one, this one has it to :) i start the video with cool editing/transitions ideas that go with the music but after some time in the edit it drops off. It would be fixed if i had the will power to hold on and not try to finish it and publish right away 😂 Few days on this and it would be even better, but i often don't have the power to hold on to it. Helps when i am working with someone, than they send me feedback of what could have been changed.

for example the shot of Bugavi in the first few seconds is pretty bad from the framing and video perspective. i kinda knew it at the start, but didn't really know how much video do i have so i left it. after a while i knew i could change it with something else, but it would be to much work so it was just nah...

and it is a more of the memories video that and artistic attempt so, if it is fun it is a win 😁