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RE: My first meeting at my first Hivefest! #HiveFest

in HiveFest5 months ago

Hahah, you know, I can say that I'm a newcomer, cos I missed like the whole begining, all the main events that happened back then. And you know, like, comparing to 8 years of my mother's and sisters existence on hive, it's a quiet small experience, but yeah, for someone it not just four years, it's FOUR freaking YEARS! Sometimes when I realise the amount of time I've been on hive I really think like that. But thank you, your comment gave me some kind of inspirement listening to your opinion about that all. For me it was such a breathtaking and awesome happening, to be here for the first time of my life. I wish you to be on the next Hivefest, and feel the atmosphere of the Hivefest yourself.


thanks for your kind and supportive words! I wonder, what would you tell now to yourself 4 years ago when you just started HIVE-ing , what are key factor to succeed here? On in other words - what would you like to know back than that you know now after 4 years of experience here? Please share, would love to hear your thoughts and recommendations! I’m trying to navigate in this new and fascinating but still complicated world :)