
Would it be appropriate to call Amsterdam bicycle city? I am not sure but I think no other place in world competes with it as much? I wish we in Latvia would have awesome bicycle routes everywhere. Unfortunately, in some places it is not even possible to add them without serious infrastructural changes. And we have no money for it either. Also I am pretty sure even in some places where we do have them, they get constantly abused by asshole drivers.

Is it better in Poland in that regard?

I am not sure but I think no other place in world competes with it as much?


"Nine Million Bicycles" (in Beijing) by Katie Melua

While Amsterdam is one of its kind, I don't think I like the idea of bike as a replacement of public transport. Having a good infrastructure for bikes is one thing (and we are improving in that matter), but making bikes a PITA to all the other participants isn't something that I'd like to see in my city :-)

That's part of the world I still would like to see some day :)

Yea, it is understandable.

Here thigs are also improving, but not fast enough. It is still pretty dangerous to go places if one choses cycling as means for transportation.