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RE: Our Family Journey to HiveFest: A Mums Perspective

in HiveFest5 months ago

Amazing recap of Hivefest. And it was so great to finally meet the buttcoins family😆, after hearing so much about you guys. I'm a bit sad that my youngest couldn't join me this year, but I'll make sure he'll be there next time.

I hope to meet you again at some stage, if not at Hivefest, then maybe elsewhere. Enjoy the rest of your travels! There's no better school! I'm sure the kids will talk about it for a long time, great memories made!
I'm looking forward to read about all of your adventures to come.


It was great to meet you too 😁 And yes hopefully next time the kids can meet each other…
We will keep posting our travels as we go, I agree with you, it is the best school there is!
Hope Mexico is treating you well, and hope to see you at the next Hive Fest, if not before!! Xxx

Mexico is good. Ups and downs like everywhere else, but mostly good. Even on bad days I remind myself that I'm blessed to live in paradise.

Yes, there's nothing better than travel, and your kids seemed to be well adjusted to it and great at just going with the flow. Unfortunately, my kids are not all the same, because my eldest son hates flying, and my teenage daughter likes the most parts, but not the travel parts. My youngest loves all of it haha.

I just created a new account for him, because he was a little jealous not to be at Hivefest and now seeing your kid's Hive account, so I quickly made him one so he can get started and show what he loves to do each day (which are many things).

Much love to you and the family!

Amazing, what is his Hive Name? Would love to follow, and have the kids follow as well! They can get to know each other digitally before they manage to meet in person 💖

He hasn't done his first post yet, but working on it.His Hive name is @thecoolkid :) I thought it was right in line with @thebombkids haha.