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RE: Our Family Journey to HiveFest: A Mums Perspective

in HiveFest5 months ago

Thankyou for reminding me that, despite our warm and fuzzy Hive Fest experience, that Hive is still an online world. By this I mean that there will always be people looking to interact negatively with people that they don’t know and have no business giving advice to, when they could chose to interact positively, or even to just not to say anything at all.

We are very well aware that our kids are growing up into an online world, and that we will have to shepherd them into this as best we can. They don’t have any mainstream social media accounts, despite obviously asking for them regularly, and we limit their screen time as well. Their dad has been utilizing Hive for many years now, and they have had their own joint account for several years. We decided that teaching them to use the online world more consciously was something that felt right for us. They put a ton of energy into writing long and detailed posts, they have learned to edit videos alongside their dad, they take their own photos and videos on days out specifically for their planned upcoming posts, and they enjoy the process of creating and owning their own content in Hive very much. Consequently, I don’t feel any conflict about sharing a few very selectively chosen photos and details of our family time at Hive Fest.

The urge to judge others is very innate to human nature, and it doesn’t tend to come from a particularly healthy place. Only you can know why you felt the need to start a negative interaction with a stranger on the internet, or why you feel you have the right to tell me what to do with my content or my family, which I think anyone reasonable can see is represented in a very modest and healthy way.
If your comment stems from a desire to judge or mum-shame, then I might advise you to look at where your comment came from, and how necessary, healthy or helpful it really was.
If your comment truly did come from a deep concern for my children, then thankyou for caring, but I can assure you that they are fine.


You adults are pathetic professional victims

You sure do sound like a nice guy 😂

I dont give a single fuck how demons like you perceive me.

hear HEAR 🙇