It's so beautiful emotional article. Btw, this crimson dress is really suits you! It was nice to meet you there. But it's really pity that we didn't say goodbye. You probably didn't notice us at the pier when you were leaving...
It's so beautiful emotional article. Btw, this crimson dress is really suits you! It was nice to meet you there. But it's really pity that we didn't say goodbye. You probably didn't notice us at the pier when you were leaving...
Мені приємно, що Вам сподобався мій пост і дякую за комплімент стосовно сукні! Рада нарешті особистому знайомству)
А на пірсі дійсно не замітила Вас, так багато було людей навколо..
Проте, впевнена, що зустрінемось на наступному HiveFest!