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RE: First Impressions of HiveFest2024 .:. Walk & Talk Series

in HiveFest6 months ago

Thanks a lot for your kind words... ❤️

Oh, my confidence in recording these things isn't that big... lol... I mean, you can always delete your recording or don't publish it... The problem was when we had to do a presentation in front of dozens of people or do a live-stream show... As there is no way back... 😃 these videos helped me to do things step by step...

The bakery's name was "Pita Materina", but I think it's relatively new as I didn't find it on Google Maps... Tbh, I was searching for another one, that doesn't exist anymore?! Or it is the same...


You are so right, I hadn't realized that, compared to what you just went through doing the presentation, a video talking to yourself would be a piece of cake hahaha.

Oh great that you gave me this bakery info, with that I can research and conclude a few things hahaha.