My Road to Hivefest thanks to Splinterlands!

in HiveFest3 months ago

Hey There!


Nun ist es offiziell. Ich werde am diesjährigen Hivefest in Split, Kroatien teilnehmen und freu mich die alten und auch neue Gesichter zu sehen. Bisher hatte ich in diesem jahr das HiveMeetup in Aachen mitgemacht, da war @detlev sowie viele weitere User vor Ort.

Now it's official. I will participate in this year's Hivefest in Split, Croatia and am looking forward to seeing old and new faces. So far this year I took part in the HiveMeetup in Aachen, where @detlev and many other users were there.

The flight is booked. Accommodation reserved.

Natürlich sollte man sich schon etwas vorher mit dem Hivefest beschäftigt haben, demnach habe ich mit @louis88 bereits die Flüge gebucht (ein paar Tage vor dem Hivefest und ein paar Tage danach) und ebenfalls unsere Unterkunft für die Zeit in Split reserviert!

Of course, you should have already dealt with the Hivefest a little beforehand, so I have already booked the flights with @louis88 (a few days before the Hivefest and a few days after) and also reserved our accommodation for the time in Split!


Ticket to the Hivefest - Thanks to @Splinterlands

Während das @hivefest einen Talk auf Twitter abhielt, war Splinterlands als Gast dabei und erzählte etwas darüber was in Zukunft mit Splinterlands passiert, was Matt in Split vorhat (vieles blieb geheim :D) und obendrein konnten Teilnehmer den Entry zum Hivefest gewinnen! Ich war somit einer der glücklichen die ein Ticket gewonnen haben und demnach dank @splinterlands sowie @yabapmatt zum Hivefest fliegen. Vielen Dank dafür nochmal von mir.

While @hivefest held a talk on Twitter, Splinterlands was there as a guest and talked about what's going to happen with Splinterlands in the future, what Matt is up to in Split (a lot was kept secret :D) and on top of that, participants could win an entry to Hivefest! So I was one of the lucky ones who won a ticket to fly to Hivefest thanks to @splinterlands and @yabapmatt. Many thanks again from me.


Meeting People. Thats hive!

Ich freue mich schon richtig wieder unter die Leute zu kommen, Gespräche zu führen und Talks zu verfolgen die rund um Hive in Split zum Hivefest organisiert werden. Neben einer tollen Atmosphäre wie ich es aus vorangegangenen Hivefests erleben durfte, gestaltet sich das diesjährige Hivefest mit der atemberaubender Kulisse und alt-römischen Denkmälern besonders schön.

I'm really looking forward to mingling with people again, having conversations and following the talks that are organized around Hive in Split for Hivefest. In addition to the great atmosphere that I have experienced at previous Hivefests, this year's Hivefest is particularly beautiful with its breathtaking backdrop and ancient Roman monuments.

confer3nce Event in Dortmund representing Hive!

So whats going on? Who joins the Hivefest this year?

Every now and then I see people like @detlev and @gtg post something about Hivefest, the old-timers always come, which makes me happy! Speakers like @blocktrades will share news about the core development of the Hive blockchain and @starkerz will share news about the SPK network with @theycallmedan. I have already taken part in the test phase here and am excited to see how the project progresses.

@arcange will also be a speaker this year and may be able to tell you more about HiveSQL and HiveAuth. An exciting topic.

With @khaleelkazi @leofinance will be interesting for people who are interested in financial topics.

And of course we saved the best for last, a big THANK YOU to @lordbutterfly and @roelandp for organizing and running this year's Hivefest!

See you all in Split! <3


Seeya ✌️

See you in split 😎

See you there!

see you in Split and I love to spend some time with the #Hive family

There will be something on #Saturday... ;-)

I hope to see you there.

ahhhh nice win you got there! Need to get my ticket sorted out here as well, but it seems we will be dancing and drinking beer there again!

thats sounds fantastic! Cant wait to see you again 😍

Still not sure if I get vacation for that time, but the last info I got seems I can go.

would be awesome to see you again in Split!

What an excellent treat to win in a Splinterlands giveaway! I wish Split wasn't so far away from my home in Brooklyn, NY. I would love to meet more of the people working together to make Hive what it is today.

Cool, ist aber leider etwas weit weg für mich.

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @palomap3 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

See you there!

Happy that we met at Hivefest! 🥳