My Purpose in my Life - Memory Monday # 47

Hola amigos de hive y en especial de esta comunidad @silverbloggers que cada semana nos pone una iniciativa diferente , la de etsa semana me he gustado mucho y me encantaria participar en ella muchas gracias @ericvancewalton por proponerla

Normalmente no sabemos o no tenemos claro cual es nuestro proposito en la vida, simplemente dejamos a la suerte descubrir cual esHello friends of hive and especially of this community @silverbloggers that every week gives us a different initiative, this week I really liked it and I would love to participate in it thank you very much @ericvancewalton for proposing it.

Normally we do not know or are not clear about our purpose in life, we simply leave it to chance to find out what it is.

Mi proposito con los años ha ido cambiando o como me gusta pensar ha ido madurando , antes mi proposito era , estudiar , prepararme , ser alguien importante profesionalmente, pues esa eran las metas que todos teniamos cuando era mas joven , Recuerdo hacer incluso una lista con 30 cosas que tenia que hacer antes de morir , de esa lista he realizado al paso de los años las que ahora considero mas realistas ,luego de lograr estas cosas fui cambiando, segun mis responsabilidades crecian cambio mi proposito en la vida , comence a pensar mas en tener salud , cuidarme , formar una familia crecer economicamente para comenzar a tener una estabilidad y tener mi casa

My purpose over the years has been changing or as I like to think has been maturing, before my purpose was to study, prepare myself, be someone important professionally, because those were the goals we all had when I was younger, I remember even making a list of 30 things I had to do before I died, From that list I have made over the years what I now consider more realistic, after achieving these things I changed, as my responsibilities grew my purpose in life changed, I began to think more about having health, take care of myself, raise a family, grow financially to begin to have stability and have my house.

Pero un buen dia esos propositos cambiaron radicalmente por que me converti en madre , ahora mi verdadero proposito es hacer feliz a dos niños , que coman saludable, que les vaya bien en la escuela y que sean muy saludables , mi trabajo es importante pero ya no es mi gran proposito , ahora mismo me conformo con ser feliz y tener mucha salud para disfrutar de mi familia, esa lista de 30 cosas por hacer algun dia saldra de la gaveta y las cumplire , pero mientras tanto mi proposito hoy es seguir tan llena de vida y disfrutar de ella

But one day those purposes changed radically because I became a mother, now my real purpose is to make two children happy, they eat healthy, they do well in school and are very healthy, my work is important but no longer my great purpose, right now I am content with being happy and have a lot of health to enjoy my family, that list of 30 things to do someday out of the drawer and fulfill them, but meanwhile my purpose today is to continue as full of life and enjoy it.


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