Sunset Stroll
Reflections of a Tuesday Afternoon

It is curious how we live day by day in a small and tight glass box without seeing around us, and the scariest thing is that no matter that the walls of that box are so close and limit our movement, we continue to feel comfortable and in our comfort zone. We are so used to it that the years go by and we don't even realize it.
I have known all this for a long time, but of course, just as we know that sugar is harmful and we continue to consume it in dangerous quantities, we do nothing to change that lifestyle.
These last few weeks I have not been feeling well, it is a fact that for a thousand or no reasons I just don't feel I at the level of mood. I have been going through all those unpleasant feelings that finally translate into anxiety. Then I realized that since I left the COVID in mid-January, I managed to lock myself even more at work, leaving home in the dark, when the sun has not shown its face, and returning at sunset.
Day after day I kept myself in my small, tight, inhuman box, sleeping early to leave even earlier. And don't get me wrong, I love my job and I know how important it is to today's society, but ensuring everyone is connected turns me off.
That eternal 24/7 that felt so exciting in my early years, that 3 a.m. call announcing the beginning of the end of my sleep for that night, that always busy weekend full of commitments that in my twenties felt like a world of possibilities, now in my thirties it's starting to take its toll.
And I'm not complaining, or at least I'm not complaining enough, my best years have been spent, yes, but I've gotten so many and varied things, I shouldn't complain. I got family that I was not looking for, I met my love there, I have prepared myself as a professional for her, but above all I have found the trigger of my true self. Difficult circumstances have made me mature and bring out that character that all my counterparts believe I was born with.

And you may wonder where I am going with this long introduction, well I want to tell you that today I arrived early, before sunset, and decided to venture out to walk in the vicinity of the urbanism, in a sort of physical catharsis, and walking little by little I became curious about a small mound of dirt and gravel at the edge of the land. I hadn't noticed it before, mainly because I don't tend to walk beyond my house, and also because that area had a lot of weeds until some neighbor set fire to it and destroyed more than five feet of bushes and foliage.
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Taking advantage of the cool weather due to the recent rains, we decided to go up and what a great joy it gave me to do it, it was a small embankment of about 300 square meters, with green grass and spectacular views of the surroundings. Immediately I felt in my chest the liberation of that knot that had tied my heart, calmness took over me.
I enjoyed the view of a lagoon unknown to me in the distance, the gray and the play of lights in the sky, and the small shoots at my feet.

It was definitely a wise idea to walk and get away from my glass box today, and I've already identified a couple of places I want to go explore tomorrow because I refuse to settle for my little glass box again.

Es curioso como vivimos día a día metidos en una pequeña y ajustada caja de cristal sin ver a nuestro alrededor, y lo más aterrador es que sin importar que las paredes de esa cajita estén tan cerquita y nos limiten el movimiento seguimos sintiendonos cómodos y en nuestra zona de confort. Estamos tan acostumbrados que se nos van los años y ni cuenta nos damos.
Todo esto lo sé desde hace mucho tiempo, pero claro, así como sabemos que el azúcar hace daño y lo seguimos consumiendo en cantidades peligrosas, tampoco hacemos nada para cambiar ese estilo de vida.
Estás últimas semanas no me he estado sintiendo bien, es un hecho que por miles o ningún motivo simplemente no me siento Yo a nivel de ánimo. He paseado por todas esas sensaciones desagradables que se traducen finalmente en ansiedad. Entonces me dí cuenta que desde que salí del COVID a mediados del mes de enero, conseguí la forma de encerrarme aún más en el trabajo, saliendo de casa a oscuras, cuando el sol no ha mostrado su cara, y retornando en el ocaso.
Día tras día me guardé en mi pequeña, ajustada e inhumana caja, durmiendo temprano para salir aún más temprano. Y no me malinterpreten, amo mi trabajo y sé lo importante que es para la sociedad de hoy día, pero garantizar que todos estén conectados me desconecta.
Ese eterno 24/7 que se sentía tan emocionante al principio de mis años, esa llamada a las 3 de la mañana que anuncia el principio del fin de mi sueño por esa noche, ese fin de semana siempre ajetreado y lleno de compromisos que a mis veinte se sentía como un mundo de posibilidades, ahora a mis treinta empieza a pasar factura.
Y no me quejo, o por lo menos no me quejo lo suficiente, mis mejores años se los he dedicado, sí, pero he obtenido tantas y variadas cosas, que no debería quejarme. He conseguido familia que no estaba buscando, conocí a mi amor allí, me he preparado como profesional por y para ella, pero sobretodo he encontrado el detonante de mi verdadero ser. Las circunstancias difíciles me han hecho madurar y sacar ese carácter con el que todos mis homólogos creen que nací.

Y se preguntarán a dónde quiero llegar con esta larga introducción, pues bien quiero contarles que hoy llegué temprano, antes de la puesta de sol, y decidí aventurarme a caminar en las inmediaciones del urbanismo, en una suerte de catársis física, y caminando poco a poco llegué a sentir curiosidad por un pequeño montículo de tierra y grava al límite del terreno. Antes no lo había notado, principalmente porque no tiendo a caminar más allá de mi casa, y también porque esa zona tenía mucha maleza hasta que algún vecino le prendió fuego y acabó con más de metro y medio de arbustos y follaje.
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Aprovechando que el clima estaba fresco por las recientes lluvias nos animamos a subir y qué alegría tan grande me dió hacerlo, era un pequeño terraplén de unos 300 metros cuadrados, con pasto verde y unas vistas espectaculares de los alrededores. De inmediato sentí en mi pecho la liberación de ese nudo que me tenía atado el corazón, la calma se apoderó de mi.
Disfruté la vista de una laguna desconocida para mí a lo lejos, el gris y los juegos de luces en el cielo, y los pequeños retoños a mis pies.

Definitivamente fue una idea acertada caminar y alejarme de mi caja de cristal hoy, y ya identifiqué un par de lugares a los que quiero ir a explorar mañana porque me niego a volver a conformarme con mi pequeña caja de cristal.
The photographs used in this post were taken with a cell phone Infinix Hot 11 and are of my authorship.
Las fotografías empleadas en este post fueron realizadas con teléfono móvil Infinix Hot 11 y son de mi autoría.
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Hi there Andrick, good to see you over here at the Silver Bloggers Community...
It's a pleasure that you want to take part in our "Library of Wisdom and Fun"! But there is always a but 😏 - i personally got the feeling that you are a "youngster" compared to what we "have set" as an average age we would like to have in our community.
May i ask you to go and read what we are all about and decide for yourself... Though you are always welcomed like our grand children are (for the ones having some - hehe). If you have questions about all this, just ping me and i'm sure we can sort them out.
Hi, thanks for taking the time and making the recommendations, indeed the "buts" in any conversation make the stomach clench. Was checking and I am probably younger than the average age in the community, however I loved your energy and the way you communicate the things I want to hear and who knows, maybe say, probably because I have always felt like an old soul. By virtue of the above I respect and am willing to abide by your decisions as to whether I should continue to write around here. I heartily congratulate you for such a beautiful community, it really is a pleasure to read you.
Greetings, a hug.
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