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RE: Taking the easy road

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

First off, hello! I am still here. lol. I am seeing this first hand in my companies call center; people making the bare minimum wage and putting out the bare minimum amount of work. Not sure it would change if their wages did. Pass the buck is another thing I see that ties into this discussion. I have to laugh sometimes at how HARD people work to pass the buck or find the so called easier route. If they would just devote as much effort and time into completing the task well, as they do at avoiding it, then this world would be awesome!


I am probably pretty horrible at this. I am likely infamous for saying that isn't my job. I've gotta say though, when I am in charge of the entire district technology just because something plugs into the wall doesn't mean it is my problem. It's a waste of the districts money if I am driving around turning something off and turning it back on to fix it.