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RE: A New Holiday Look and A New Silver Addition

in Silver Bloggerslast month

That's a peace dollar. I started a collection a loooooong time ago and most recently, in the past few years, I have felt the urge to complete the set. No clue why but I find it fun. I suppose I have the means to do it now where in the past things were much tighter.

We enjoy Christmas but not the commercialization of it all. I miss walking around and finding a real Christmas tree on a farm. We have all artificial ones now. That part I miss. We have an open house every Christmas Eve. You are always welcome. It would be a long flight, but Nadi is also welcome!!!


thanks for the invite.. haha. I'm done with flying for a while now. The 30+ hour flights I have had in the past month made my gastank well and truly empty as far as desire to travel is concerned.

Hahaha. I don't blame ya. Yeah way too long to be in the air. Bring back the concord!!! 😆