Memoir Monday #52/My Summer Days at 10 Years Old (En/ Es)

in Silver Bloggers2 days ago

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By the time I was 10 years old, my life had already taken some significant changes. I grew up until I was 7 with my maternal grandmother; then by the time I was 10 years old I was already living with my parents, in the capital city of my country, living for years in a beautiful small town, it was quite a contrast to come to live in the city, where the environment was quite different; From growing up among trees and pets, without so many schedules, to being in a house that only had a small yard and with many more rules, besides being an only child, until then, those days were not very entertaining until the summer vacations came, which here in my country, coincide with school vacations and some holidays, where it is not customary to work, in many sectors.

So I spent part of my summer days at my beloved grandmother's house. Those days filled me with emotion, because I knew that I would be reunited with my old friends and neighbors. I was back to my essence, because among my beloved grandmother's trees and pets I was simply happy, free. My day started early in the morning with my grandmother and her usual cup of coffee and a simple breakfast. Then I would go to meet my friends to play anything from playing dolls, learning to ride a bicycle and playing the games of those days such as: “Pisé”, “shot”, “the hideout”, “the little bottle” or just sitting and listening to the horror stories told by my grandmother, mother, uncles, cousins and family friends.

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I loved all those activities. Back then, you could go out to play in the street, without any risk, until it got dark and at about 10 o'clock at night our relatives would call us to sleep. In that town it was customary for the neighbors to sit in front of their houses with the doors open, so the adults were constantly watching us come and go, because they too, at least most of them, were on vacation, so it was common to see families sharing. It was as if we were all having a party. My grandmother would take advantage and prepare my favorite meals, including desserts. She was very good at cooking, since she worked cooking for many people most of her life.

When I was 10 years old, my summer days were filled with lots of games and jokes, because we would also sit and tell jokes and anecdotes among all of us, family and friends. Besides, music was part of my daily life at that time, and I never lacked joy. Another thing that I loved, was that all my maternal family would get together to share a meal, a coffee, an afternoon or evening, there were no big reasons, just the simple fact that we were all together, those who came to visit were not just my mother and me, but other members who also came to visit my grandmother, taking advantage of the summer days. That year I thought that everything was perfect, that it was worth waiting to be able to travel and have an unforgettable vacation.

Source/ Fuente

This is my entry in Memoir Monday #52 FINAL PROMPT (3/3-3/9) - Describe a Typical Summer Day When You Were Ten Years Old.


Cuando tenía 10 años, mi vida, ya había dado algunos cambios significativos. Me crie hasta los 7 con mi abuela materna; entonces para cuando cumplí los 10 años ya estaba viviendo con mis padres, en la ciudad capital de mi país, viviendo por años en un hermoso pueblito, fue un contraste bastante grande llegar a vivir a la ciudad, donde el ambiente era bastante diferente; de crecer entre árboles y animales domésticos, sin tantos horarios, hasta estar en una casa que solo tenía un patio pequeño y con muchas más reglas, aparte de ser hija única, hasta ese momento, esos días no eran muy entretenidos hasta que llegaban las vacaciones por verano, que aquí en mi país, coinciden con las vacaciones escolares y algunos días feriados, donde no se acostumbra a trabajar, en muchos sectores.

Así es que parte de mis días de verano, iba a pasarlo en casa de mi querida abuela. Esos días me llenaban de emoción, porque sabía que iba a reencontrarme con mis antiguos amigos y vecinos. Volvía a mi esencia, porque entre los árboles y animales domésticos de mi querida abuela era simplemente feliz, libre. Mi día comenzaba bien temprano junto a mi abuela y a su acostumbrada taza de café y un desayuno sencillo. Luego iba a encontrarme con mis amigos para jugar cualquier cosa, desde jugar a las muñecas, aprender a manejar bicicleta y jugar los juegos propios de aquellos días como: "Pisé", "fusilado", "el escondite", "la botellita" o simplemente sentarme a oír las historias de terror que me contaba mi abuela, madre, tíos, primos y los amigos de la familia.

Todas esas actividades me encantaban. Por aquel entonces, podías salir a jugar a la calle, sin riesgo alguno, hasta que se ponía la noche incluso y tipo 10 de la noche nos llamaban a dormir nuestros familiares. En ese pueblo se acostumbraba a que los vecinos se sentaran enfrente de sus casas con las puertas abiertas, entonces los adultos constantemente estaban viéndonos ir y venir, pues ellos también, por lo menos la gran mayoría, estaban de vacaciones, entonces era común ver a las familias compartiendo. Era como sí, estuviéramos todos de fiesta. Mi abuela aprovechaba y me preparaba mis comidas preferidas, incluyendo los postres. A ella la cocina se le daba muy bien, pues casi toda su vida, trabajó cocinando para muchas personas.

A mis 10 años, mis días de verano estuvieron llenos de muchos juegos, chistes, porque también nos sentábamos a contar chistes y anécdotas entre todos, familia y amigos. Aparte, la música, era parte de mi día a día, en aquel tiempo, y la alegría no me faltaba. Otra cosa que me encantaba, era que toda mi familia materna se reunía para compartir o una comida, un café, una tarde o noche, no había grandes motivos, solo el simple hecho de que estábamos todos juntos, los que veníamos de visita que nada más no éramos mi madre y yo, sino otros integrantes que también llegaban a visitar a mi abuela, aprovechando los días de verano. Por ese año pensaba que todo era perfecto, qué bien valía la pena esperar para poder viajar y tener unas vacaciones inolvidables.

Esta es mi participación en Memoir Monday #52 FINAL PROMPT (3/3-3/9) - Describe a Typical Summer Day When You Were Ten Years Old.

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Definitely, we had happy childhoods while I was reading you I saw myself reflected especially because we got to play the same games, many of them are not known to children today and it is sad, nothing like being able to play outdoors and know that adults are there watching over you, I was not allowed to go far away once it occurred to me and you can imagine the scolding.

Definitivamente, tuvimos infancias felices mientras te leía me veía reflejada sobre todo porque llegamos a jugar los mismos juegos, muchos de ellos no los conocen los niños de hoy en día y es triste, nada como poder jugar al aire libre y saber que los adultos están allí pendientes de uno, a mí no me dejaban irme muy lejos una vez se me ocurrió y ya te imaginaras el regaño.


Yes we had very happy childhoods, our games were very fun and healthy. We lived a unique time. A hug friend!

Si tuvimos infancias muy felices, nuestros juegos eran muy divertidos y sanos. Vivimos una época única. Un abrazo amiga

Hello @brujita18

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 22 hours ago  

Thanks You 💞

This a really good write up. Reminds me of own childhood, was such a beautiful time of my life I wish I can relive over and over again.

 16 hours ago  

Such a rush to grow up .. and that was one of our best times. Greetings and blessings!

That’s so true, I still remember how much I used to want to grow up so fast so I can gain access to somethings and activities, now I wish I could turn back time
That’s just the irony of life, best to live in the moment.

Thanks for the great post!

 16 hours ago  

It was a great pleasure, thank you, best regards!

Growing up in the countryside and was then taken to the city must be a hard adjustment for you.

Good to hear that you visited your grandma's place and had a lot of fun there.

When I'm reading the childhood memories one thing I found common is - playing on the streets, freely, without any safety issues. This is the story from all over the world.

How things changed so fast!

 16 hours ago  

That's how the world has changed dizzyingly, that was one of the things that one misses the most, the freedom to walk and enjoy now for our children and grandchildren to have. But unfortunately it was different for them. Thank you for your kind comment👻

Beautiful red head girl

 16 hours ago  

Yes, very beautiful girl, greetings!