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RE: Memoir Monday #44 - My High School Years

in Silver Bloggers28 days ago

Thanks for stopping by @syllem, my hometown was once known as petrodollar city because there're many vital project operated and now it's all in history only. So, I have so many rich friends who didn't mind to buy me 1 or 2 doughnuts every day. Yes, being a nice and good student for the teacher but a fun seeker in class was the best role and never failed till I graduated. That's how my old classmates remember me. Many of my friends were leaving the city after graduation because there's no good university at that time and the local security also a challenge, there's a rebellious movement against the government. But, Fortunately many of my classmates were locals and those who lives away from my hometown will try their best to come back whenever there's a reunion. I think that's because the good memories we kept and thanks to my homeroom teachers who made us that way.

see you around!