Bathroom Boogie

in Silver Bloggers2 days ago


Finally, the new week is here and it couldn't come soon enough. Last week was a stinking mess. I spent most of the week all wonky and mostly seated. It sucked. The weekend didn't bring much relief as our contractor started rennovations on the bathroom making the house very noisy. Then Sunday I took another spill in the garage.

So yeah, I am glad Monday is here.

With the bathroom being rennovated, it brings us down to the half-bath in our bedroom. So if one needs to use a toilet, they have to make their way through the house, down the hall, negotiate and pass all the rennovation mess, pass through our bedroom and into the half-bath.

When one has a enlarged prostate, it makes doing the Bathroom Boogie an Olympic event. Believe me when I say, I ran the obstacle course a few times thinking I was going to burst before I made it, Boogeying the whole time.

Anyway, between doing the Bathroom Boogie and trying to break my garage floor with my ass, I also made some bids on some online auctions and finally won out. I picked up some 1935 $1 Silver Certificates and a Seated Liberty Half Dollar. All in Fine or better condition. I was happy to not be beaten out by one of those last second auction snipers again.

Of course I will share them with the SGS and Hive Collectors communities when received. It may be a week or so as the mail has been fairly slow as of late. I also have some other coins to share, but can't get to them right now, due to how things are moved around because of rennovations. There is a neat 1941 Dutch East Indies coin I would like to show off that is in great condition for a circulated coin. I also like learning more about that period of Asian Pacific history as well.

Hoping now that my wheels are getting back under me that we can get back to the basement work. The wife finsihed up her half of the finsihed area of the basement, which is the workout and rec room area. The other half half of the finished area of the basement is a collection area for my son's stuff he couldn't fit in his apartment and some of my outdoor and shooting stuff.

My thoughts are that most of his and my stuff has gone unused for this long, it is probably no longer needed and can be sold. Of course guns and ammo will stay, but stuff like my clay pigeons and thrower can go.

What I would like to do with that area is put up my gun racks, and make a place for me to clean and work on them when I do go shooting. Which is not often these days, but having a big space to lay them out, clean and work on them is nice. This space would allow that. As it will havea folding table and lighting.

Anyway, that is enough for this morning. The coffee is working on me and it is time to do the Bathroom Boogie.

Thanks for reading,

-All content is mine unless otherwise annotated.
-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
-Photos edited using MS Paint and/or iPhone SE.
-Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord.


Banner image from Hive Veterans Discord Server


I hope you recover from the tumble, I've had my share of those. It really sucks! Sorry to hear about the prostate, it catches up to all us men eventually.

Giving up the clay pigeons and the thrower would be hard for me. I still have them and haven't gone to use them for years. I have to drive over an hour to get someplace I can legally use them. I guess I should part with them too!

Glad the bathrooms getting fixed up! Be careful brother!

 2 days ago  

I’m already up and kicking. Minor set back.

I’m kind of the same way with shooting mine. Plus I just don’t shoot much anymore the way it is and that is mostly pistol when I do.

Hopefully they can get the renovations done pretty quickly. We are lucky that we have two full baths if we ever wanted to replace one of them. I know it's on my wife's list!

 2 days ago  

If it’s on the wife’s list you better git-r-dun 😀.

Haha, very true!

Hope the renovations go well. That will be annoying while it lasts, but hopefully will look really nice once it's finished. Looking forward to seeing the coins!

 2 days ago  

Yeah hopefully it will be done soon. Looking forward to sharing for sure.

I had a 2 year rule and got rid of a hell of a lot of stuff not that long ago. Hope you don't have to do too many boogies again

Yep, I am kinda using the same rule. We have lived here 5 years and if I haven't used it since we moved in, I am probably selling it, donating it, or trashing it.

We finally got to a point the toilet could go back in. No more bathroom boogies.

Oh great news about the toilet then!

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