I'm sitting here this early morning, drinking my coffee, news in the background, and catching up on Hive posts and comments. Most of all, I am anxiously waiting on a morning text or call from my oldest son.
Here in about an hour he should be headed out to his work. Usually when he is not working from home, he will call me on his drive into work. It takes him about an hour to get to work due to traffic. So he kills time talking to his old man.
It is one of my favorite times of the day. We talk about his work, most of which I do not understand. We also talk about family, dogs (he has two), politics, and life in general.
If you were to ask me 10 years ago if this was possible I would have said you were nuts. At that time my oldest and I were not very close. I had spent a lot of time away when he was younger. We never really closed the gap in his older teenage years either.
In fact as he got older, we seemed to be at odds with each other constantly. So much so that I think when the time came, he elected to go to school out of state just to get out from under me.
What's funny though, is that as soon as he moved out and started going to school out of state, is when we started communicting more. We started talking to each other and not past each other.
What changed, I am not sure. Maybe it was him getting out on his own and realizing a thing or two. Maybe it was me realizing how overbearing I had been as a father. Maybe it was a combination of both.
What I do know is that I appreciate every second with him, and my youngest, now. I think they appreciate their time with me much more now too. Maybe when I am gone he will remember some words of wisdom, or some funny things i said on his morning drive and smile regularly.
I do hope so.
Thanks for reading,
-All content is mine unless otherwise annotated.
-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
-Photos edited using MS Paint and/or iPhone SE.
-Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord.
This is so wonderful! I'm glad that lines of good communication have opened between you two! 😊
Thank you
Oh Joe, I bet he will remember these later years much more than those younger years. Time has a way of smoothing out the rough edges and at least you reconnected before it was too late. Isn't it great to have a call to look forward to?
Yes it is nice. We had another good call this morning.
Hope you are having a good week.
Very good so far, thanks! You have a good week as well. It's almost the weekend!
This makes me all warm. You clearly love each other and the fact you both make an effort is bound to deepen the relationship. Perhaps you see each other more as equals now, and find you have more in common than you both thought. Either way, bravo for making an effort.
You may be onto something. I do see him as a good friend now as well. So yeah, equals in a way. Thank you.
Someone once said when kids reach their teens, the gremlins take them away, but thankfully they return when they mature!That is very touching @coinjoe, what really matters is that you now bond and appreciate each other even more!
I think the gremlins defintely got into mine for sure. They were ready to get out as soon as they were old enough. Now the oldest is talking to me almost everyday and the youngest is talking about moving back in with us.
My niece often calls and talks to my wife when she is driving back and forth from college. It's a nice way for her to stay awake and my wife loves the time chatting with her.
That is good that you all have such a good relationship that she will call often like that. It is so special to get those calls I am sure.
Yes, it is a very special time for my wife and her.
Kids come around eventually, I'm glad he has. Life is short, enjoy what you have left. I'm sure our kids will remember us fondly when we are gone. It's a rough reality to realize we have much less left in front of us than we have behind us in years!
I don’t Think it’s just him that’s come around. I’ve changed too
You had a good time enjoying yourself in the ride. Have a good day
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