What Spring Will Bring

in Silver Bloggersyesterday


The photo above was the last I took from our flowers on the back patio. It is a little disappointing it came out so blurry because they were some nice looking plants.

Now that winter is here I sure do miss seeing the flowers blooming on the patio and around the yard. It just makes me look forward to spring and all the new blossums and planting that comes with it. Granted I don't do much of the flower care, the wife is the green thumb, not me.

With that said, walking on my new walking pad yesterday I was thinking about how I missed having a small cegtable garden this last summer. There is something about watching a small seedling or plant grow and produce fruit under your care that you can eventually consume.

Same can be said for fishing, I look forward to getting healthier so this spring I can hit the lake and slay some fish. Not only is it fulfilling to catch my own food, but it is some good therapy.

Sitting in silence for hours sometimes just to catch a few fish, or none at all, is not for everyone. I for one love the solace. Lots of thinking gets done in that time, and it is mostly positve for some reason when I am fishing. Which is not the smae type of thoughts I get sitting on my own at home most of the time for some reason.

I will have to explore this line of thinking some more in the future. Why is it that when home in silence by myself do my thoughts seem to be more negative?

There are some bullet points at the top of my head, but I am going to hold onto them for now because I hvaen't really sat and flushed them out. My walk was over before I was finsihed letting these thoughts fully develop and the day took its course and I went on with my business.

For now, I will look forward to the thaw, warmer weather, and the zip of my fishing line through the air as I make a long cast.

Thanks for reading,

-All content is mine unless otherwise annotated.
-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
-Photos edited using MS Paint.
-Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord.


Banner image from Hive Veterans Discord Server


I here your thoughts, I often think of spring too early when it's winter.

I don’t think I’ve gotten cabin fever this early in winter before.

I agree, even if you catch nothing, a day out on the water is better than a day doing most anything else.


I love plants and that is one thing I miss ... a garden. And growing your own veg or herbs is something else. The taste and sense of achievement is second to none!

When you get out fishing I don't mind eating some of your catch!
Happy New Year Joe

You’re more than welcome. I’ll be grilling them because my wife hates cooking fresh fish.

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