Thank you for well wishes 😊 I'm do for an extended leave . Just trying to find a good timeframe to take it. Today was rough 😢 got in at 4 a.m. to sit and wait 3 hours before I could do what I came in for. Apparently someone forgot to notify us that we didn't need to be in at 4 a.m. Just got done but get to leave at noon in about 2 hours. I'll do a straight 8 hour shift and pass up on the OT. I'm beat, time to pound water.
So sad to hear that. The last time I got flu and body ache that seems unusual, I was positive with COVID. But COVID nowadays feels like normal flu. Maybe this coming days you can find a good timeframe to take your leave and recover faster.😐♥️.
I agree Covid much like many other things. I got it once possibly twice. I hope to get better soon I'd prefer to write about something other than being sick, haha.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @coolmidwestguy.