Hello Julia!
Thank you for sharing this story of your family. It's amazing how some decisions change the course of life and it's impossible to stop asking ourselves the what ifs.
My mother has a brother that I didn't know about until I was an adult. My grandfather had a son before he married my grandmother. My grandfather died when my mum was 15 years old and according to my mother they never knew about this brother, apparently, my grandmother did though. According to my mother's brother he only tried to get in touch once and then gave up. Some years ago he wanted to talk to my mother and my aunt and meet them. They have met a few times and I even met him and his wife. They have a son my age and a son my sister's age who could have been our cousins, but we will never know if we would have been close cousins if everything had been different.
Thanks for joining the #SilverPrompts 🤗
Hey @coquicoin, I don't know how I missed responding to your comment.
I remember reading it and thought I'd replied but when I was brought back by another comment, also sharing a similar story, I saw no reply. Strange. My apologies.
This story of lost family is more universal than I had realised. That feeling of 'what if' shared by more hearts is one that I hope will open us all up a little more.
Thank you for sharing your story here too. 💛
Hi Julia you're welcome and don't worry there's no need to apologize. 😊 I've been very busy these days with little time online and I have a lot of unanswered comments ;)
Have a wonderful Sunday 🤗