Well this is a pleasant surprise, hello Mrs Line... online.. ryze, :cut:
:action: Well this is a pleasant surprise Cyn! 💖
Yeah, 2020 caused a whole lotta reorganizing. Well for everyone who isn't a Costco and a Best Buy and stuff. They literally kicked me out of England. 'Ok, ok, you don't have to be so dramatic.'
Thank you, Cyn, I'm glad you think so. I'm just one blink away from screwing everything up so anytime I get it right is BIG news.
LOL maybe I should talk to the DMV and see if they can change my license to Cyn @ryzeonline or maybe just Cyn Online? 😂
they kicked me out of America so I feel you...ok ok I left but the people made me kick myself out LOL
Well here's to you continuing to get it right. Crossing my fingers for you but something tells me you do better than you think 😉❤️❤️❤️