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RE: Something I Don't Go Around Telling Just Anyone

in Silver Bloggers4 years ago (edited)

I was married once before this so yes, oh hell yes I have silver on my head @farm-mom.

This story doesn't write itself if I had kids. Can't do this and that. I'll probably be like "dammit!" when I'm crippled, way beyond your years right now and could really use some help around the house or wiping my..... nose but whatever, figure it out when I get there. The last 20 year move turned out decent and I'm just getting warmed up. Wish me luck!

My Grandfather. Thank God.


 4 years ago  

Everyone has their story, trick is to find happiness each and everyday. You can plan the future to the nth degree, then like a flick of a switch, bang, everything is off the table. Life is not really about the future, it's about the present. Like this very morning, @thebigsweed woke up smiling at me, telling me how much he liked my shirt, see, real simple but happy. Just like I am gabbing with you, simple but fun.

As far as wiping your nose, you will deal with that when the time comes, or maybe it will never come to that, one never knows. What you do know, is that you have the love of your life right next to you and you know, you are the luckiest guy YOU know.

Hugs to ya both.

It was a really nice white T-shirt.