So I'm stopping by to give a more personal thank you. Thank you. Congratulations on the reward, got dang! Approaching triple digit comments, too, is that typical?
You're like all like popular n stuff.
Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful I had a difficult decision. I appreciate entries like yours, not everyone gets a follow up thank you. I had a note next to yours, it said "authentic, difficult for her to write."
Thank you @dandays, it means a lot to me that you left a follow up thank you, you know how I love comments. Yeah, I'm blown away by all of it. I have no expectations, so it's always a surprise to me. I'm focused on trying to get a post together that pleases me (not easy to do, I'm a tough self-judge), after it's posted, I've let go of it. Whatever happens, happens. Not that I don't care; I know I have no control over outside events.
No thought like that ever crossed my mind. Besides, green eyes and all, kinda like green eggs and ham, can't resist them, nor the funny, nor the authenticity that is who you are, plus adding in that serious side, all jokes aside. You did so well with this contest, thorough, serious, balanced, never missed a beat. You make a great judge.
As I said, you never miss a beat. Admirable. Such an utter pleasure to know you and so glad I met you on Hive. Send any naysayers my way 😉
Also, what the what the what did I just see? Yeah, you're total heart of gold, yup.
Aren't I great at doing workarounds for swear words? the blue moon rare time you're going to hear me toot my own horn