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RE: A Tale of Two (Actually Four) Posts

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

I don't know, man, I think most of us would be happy to be rewarded as much as either of those two posts. 😜

The only difference really is one was hit by a big whale and one wasn't. Both are pretty well-written and interesting, and a few days apart I think is perfect for sharing to the same community. The thing is, I think curation is pretty much random for most of us. You somehow catch the eye of a curation account, you should be thankful, not expect it to happen again nor spend time wondering about why it didn't happen again. A good curator should be going through hundreds of posts per day. The chances they will look at the same guy twice in a week should be low, and it should be low if they are doing a good job sampling all the content on Hive. Like that post I wrote a few days about that got $50 in upvotes. I would love if that were the new normal, but I don't expect the whale curation to hit like that again. Back down to around $8-12 for me.

Some people seem to have managed to gain an eye of a curation account and they will be hit by those big $20 votes every single time, like whoever controls @appreciator. I notice them and I'm sure you do too. It seems unfair, especially when it sometimes feels like some of the accounts that constantly get those votes are just shitposting half the time. It feels not just unfair to you and me but to all the even smaller accounts on Hive that write amazing post after amazing post but never get more than a dollar in rewards. But....meh. It's outside of our control so not worth worrying about.

Anyway, that's my perspective on it. The only game you and I can play is writing good posts and trying to network, gain friends. Maybe through the networking and good posting we will start to expand our audience and our post votes. Maybe not, but it's the only option available to us. Trying to game curation is beyond me. Those people who have successfully gamed it (like some we both know in the LeoFinance world), well... more power to them.


I don't know, man, I think most of us would be happy to be rewarded as much as either of those two posts. 😜

I knew someone was going to mention that which is why I addressed it right away in my post! I agree with everything you wrote here. Your first paragraph raises some good points that I have thought about myself. Then you second paragraph was almost like you are in my head with me. I am willing to accept it is totally random and purely a timing thing, but then what about those accounts that get an upvote on every single post.

I think we would all be lying if we said that isn't what we are all kind of gunning for. I hope one day I get to that point. Until then, I am happy to take what I can get.

I knew someone was going to mention that which is why I addressed it right away in my post!


I think we would all be lying if we said that isn't what we are all kind of gunning for. I hope one day I get to that point. Until then, I am happy to take what I can get.

I'm kind of mixed on this. On one hand—totally. On the other hand, I'd love to see those whales stop voting for the regulars who have somehow managed to game the system and for me randomly and start voting for all the small users who have been here for a long time but never make anything. That's Communism, I suppose, and even in this smaller community it would probably lead to problems eventually. But I do always feel bad for smaller accounts who write great content but won't even see more than a dime in votes, which is probably why the majority of my upvotes go towards them. Some of the curation projects do a really good job of this. Indiaunited hits smaller accounts much more than big ones. ocd and curie are also focus on the smaller guys. But some of the larger curation accounts don't spread it around nearly as well and often just go the lazy route of always picking the same people.

Anyway, that is to say I agree I'd love if I started getting the curation votes more consistently, but at the same time I think spreading the wealth would be better for Hive in general. It would get more new users anyway and keep them longer as they wouldn't burn out as quickly.

Curie is still around? I never hear anything from them anymore. I guess it's just because they stopped voting on my stuff a long time ago. I get what you are saying. A lot of those big accounts aren't purporting to be curation projects though, so they kind of have some room to get away with it. If you are advertising as a curation group then yeah, you should be spreading it around a bit more. I dunno, it's a rough slope no matter how you look at it I think. There will always be issues. India United seems pretty cool. They stop by my stuff every now and then even though I am about as far from Indian as you can be.