Time to leave all this for a few days — literally speaking.
Tomorrow I shall leave our safe little haven here and head across the water to Seattle to join Mrs. Denmarkguy... because our 31-year old daughter is getting married on Friday, to her boyfriend of some 8 years.
She'll actually be the first person in the family to do the whole "big wedding" thing, and to say that the whole preparation — which has basically lasted all year — has been a bit like planning the invasion of Normandy would almost be an understatement.
But now, the Big Day is finally at hand: 11/11/22.
Interestingly enough, Mrs. Denmarkguy and I will now "share the anniversary" with them... as we were also married on 11/11... a whole lotta years ago.
I have never been big into "pomp and circumstance," but we're happy if it makes her happy!
The ceremony and afterparty will both take place at a historic mansion in the old part of Seattle... and it's an absolutely beautiful old venue.
Hopefully all will go well, and we'll have a beautiful event without any incident or major disasters. Our family has often been surrounded by "clouds of chaos," but maybe we can circumnavigate those, and just have a wonderful time.
Sadly, the Ohio relatives arrived not only with 3 hours worth of jetlag, but also some kind of stomach ailment... hopefully they will be back to full function by the time Friday evening rolls around.
Since we have a house with furry animals and things to take care of — and can't afford long term trustworthy house sitters (especially since the cryptosphere just tanked... HAH!) — I'll only be away for a couple of days, while a young friend of hours has agreed to stay at the house while I am gone.
In some ways, it will be nice to get away from the whole world of blogging and crypto worries for a couple of days... being out among people and doing "real" things. Maybe that's not exactly what what I meaning to say, but hopefully you get my drift.
Anyway, time for me to send this out into the world and get back to my packing before I head out, tomorrow. Or "later today," as it has now become.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week.
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Created at 20221110 01:20 PDT
Hope all goes well on Friday... and happy anniversary!
Thanks! I'm sure it will all be a wonderful experience!
Enjoy the wedding and happy anniversary to you both too!
Thank you! It's sure to be a fantastic occasion for everyone! And thanks for the good wishes.
Happy Anniversary🥂
Thank you!